Has UFO Disclosure Already Happened? (VIDEO)

Rain's picture

Huffington Post - Alejandro Rojas, 4/25/13



A lot of UFO researchers talk about disclosure, but who do we want to make this disclosure, and what are we looking for them to disclose? There are those that believe disclosure has already happened, and depending on your answers to these two questions, you may think so too.



The most common idea people have of disclosure is the President making a special announcement that they have discovered some UFOs are flown by extraterrestrials. This is the sort of disclosure that the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is seeking this weekend in Washington D.C. at the National Press Club. There will be a panel of former congress members reviewing five days of testimony from witnesses and UFO researchers. The idea is to inspire real congressional hearings that will prompt the President to announce that they knew it all the time.

More: Huffington Post





UFOs or the secret gov craft

David Porter's picture

Which one? There is both. in the 80s the cabal had built nearly 600 craft that to us are viewed as "UFOs."


By now they likey have many more. Then they could travel at twice the speed of light due to the lack of proper "back-manufactuing"


These are defence ships agianst the ones that want to assist us in our soverenignty and freedom from these controllers.


For further refference on this topic pull up "The Law of One" and go to UFOs on the top front page. 

David Porter

Author of the series