Hatonn: These Are Our Considerations Around the Disclosure Announcement
In Matthew’s Nov. 19, 2009 message, Hatonn discusses the disclosure effort.

Let’s review what he outlined as some of the considerations the galactic and spirit leaders have in designing the disclosure TV program. I’m not aware of a more-detailed description of the matter.
According to Hatonn, who is both a fleet commander and director of multidimensional communication, the galactics and spirit hierarchy are reviewing each part of this complex subject.
HATONN: As an intergalactic fleet commander and director of multidimensional communication, I am knowledgeable about preparations for a globally televised program that will present evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations. …
The program announcing our presence is a complex undertaking. The numbers of folks who are expecting us and will greet us wholeheartedly are very few, and the program is being designed for the multitudes. It has to be presented without creating fear or undue backlash. There’s formidable opposition to any recognition of our very existence, and the security of all persons involved in the program is a foremost consideration. When I say “security,” I also mean the emotional security of all witnesses and other participants and their families, not only their physical safety—we have that well in hand.
The program can’t be just film clips of spacecraft sightings. In some areas these are so numerous that it’s ho-hum, they’re back. There has to be solid evidence about our presence and that’s where personal accounts come in. Testifying before a panel that pledges witnesses to secrecy is quite different from letting the world know their identities, and the same goes for the people who have been working with us or at least know why we are here. Some have been blackballed in their professions or declared delusional or crazy. In some cases families have been threatened and individuals killed by factions that don’t want you to know we exist, especially not right here with you. Those in charge of the program want everyone who’s willing to speak about personal experiences to feel emotionally secure doing it.
This is an international action and it’s important that there is agreement among the governments involved. Major decisions have been made, but some details are still being discussed. Some of your representatives favor keeping the initial program brief and releasing information in increments so people won’t feel overwhelmed. They propose a brief statement that many spacecraft seen during the past several years are from other civilizations, there’s no reason to think any harm is intended, and more information will follow as it’s compiled.
Others want the program to answer all logical questions and some of our representatives tell how they’ve been to helping the planet through what you call the shift or cleansing.Some think it would be frightening to see us as we appear in our native lands—not all of us look like you. Others say it’s necessary to show ourselves as we are to prove that we aren’t from your civilization. Some think including live coverage of a mother ship decloaking is a good idea, others think it could be more threatening than reassuring.
What kinds of information to present on the program and how much can be covered without overload is being debated. Would it be helpful or overkill to explain that Earth is moving out of her regular orbit by intention and needs our help off and on the planet? Would that involve explaining that Earth is a soul? How much can be said about our technologies without alarming folks about how we might use it? Would it be foolish or comforting to say that our presence has prevented other civilizations from trying to invade Earth?
To what extent should the cover-up be disclosed? What about admitting that your governments refused our offers of technology in exchange for ending weaponry development and wars that could annihilate you all? How would it affect your population to know that both dark and light beings from other civilizations have been living among you and influencing your way of life? Should the program include personal accounts of both positive and negative abduction experiences? What to say about the “little grays” that have been living for many years in underground cities? What mixture of scientific, political and religious spokespersons should be in the program?
There are differing opinions about when to air it. The United States government, once the most vocal in denying our existence, now favors the most extensive disclosure with maximum speed. A few of your representatives want more polls and strategic interviews to determine how much information your world is ready for. Some in both camps want every national leader to be personally told what will be in the program prior to show time and others think sending each one the program outline is enough diplomatic courtesy.
I mean just do it in one way
I mean just do it in one way or another. This is what discredits you in my opinon. You seem to know what's best and have been doing this kind of thing for eons now so you should know and if not here's my suggestion--you claim we're running out of time so let's get on with it. Start slow and continue at a steady pace and increase that pace along with the content rapidly. If it's televised, it will hit the radios, the news papers and so on. Ex: One month of acknowledging life from other planets, another month on previous visit testomonies, another on those already here, another on earch's shift and acension and another on this and another on that--then start coming out with the truths of the other stuff but for goodness sakes, let's get on with it! And by mid summer, we should be well under way as your #'s should be increasing with every exposure. Many already know of this, some have no idea but if it's God's plan then so be it--they will understand. If it's not, in the higest good of everyone, then I understand why you haven't already started.
Disclosure NOW
I say do it NOW. It should've been done years ago already. The asleep and ignorant masses stand to benefit anyway from Disclosure. We cannot wait for them to fully understand what's happening, I am pretty sure the reality of what's gonna unfold in front of their eyes will sink in quickly. People adapt and we cannot continue insulting people's intelligences.....they are ready.....do it NOW.
I understand the precarious position you are in. However, time and love are the greatest healers and the sooner you get on with disclosure the sooner we can "heal" from it. The "shake-up" is inevitable. Is there a way to gently shatter someone's reality? Let's get on with it and have lots of triage ready to pick up the pieces. May Creator bless us all along the way!!
Hatonn and the GF have access
Hatonn and the GF have access to much more information (and dimensions) than we do. While, I'm sure they welcome our feedback, I'm sure they will pick the right time, method and place to disclose the most important topics (which has already been occuring at a steady pace in recent years).
We can still play our role by practicing unconditional love and help enlighten others who are willing to listen and have an open mind on key topics that have been suppressed (hollow earth, Star Friends, medicine, physics, social, economic, etc). There is plenty of info out there for all of us to be informed on the Truth; Knowledge of the Truth allows us to educate others. Right now, those are our responsibilties. Disclosure will happen at just the right time!
I choose to trust
I very much appreciate this message keeping us informed of what a massive undertaking this is. I'm very excited for our reunion and all it brings and I trust Life to flow for the highest good of All. I'm looking forward to everyone expanding in awareness of who we really are. There are 7 billion unique souls in different phases of development and I'm ready now.
Each of us knows what it feels like to have a belief system pulled out from under us so I feel our part in speeding up disclosure continues to be raising the vibration of our magnetic field of Love and let our alies do what they do in perfect timing.
Much love,
Patience, Compassion, Love and Trust
May we have Compassion and Love planted firmly in our hearts for ALL Humanity and Trust that we have the Patience that will allow us to arrive at our desired destination when the time is right.
Love and Peace to all.
Love and Light, d'tewa
Patience, Compassion, Love and Trust
May we have Compassion and Love planted firmly in our hearts for ALL Humanity and Trust that we have the Patience that will allow us to arrive at our desired destination when the time is right.
Love and Peace to all.
Love and Light, d'tewa
Evidence of immediate justice
Evidence of immediate justice to the cabal, physical 3D rewards reflecting abundance, plans of healing the world's hungry, homeless, poor, sick and ailing, peace for the world are all great first approaches. A media presence allowing real journalism, and nonthreatening humanlike galactic presences will all begin reprogramming. This can proceed more rapidly after a short adjustment process. Changes to current technology that will make the average human's life much easier should follow and continue the momentum forward. Then more truth about Earth's and humanity's history and origins. As this continues, factor in more nonhuman beings as a deeper appreciation of our real Spirit connections and universal laws is cultivated. Make sure you do healings of the sick throughout so people can upgrade their physical bodies and take on a lighter being-ness throughout the entire process. Blessings...