A Healing Poultice For Humanity

Anonymous's picture


I place upon you all a poultice of deep healing Love. I lay it over your body, your heart, your mind. Allow it to rest there for a while; soothing you deeply. Allow its medicine to work itself into every cell of your be-ing.
Don't be alarmed at what happens next, for this is where the real healing takes place. This poultice will pull to the surface all the toxins stored deep in your cellular memories. You will feel rage, fear, and doubt. You will have to be strong and resist the urge to run "back there" where things are more familiar.
I hear your cries of anguish, your tears of lonliness, your screams of injustice. I hear you my darlings...
When the poisons of your human-ness have reached the surface you must acknowledge them. Thank these emotions, forgive these emotions. When you have completed this step, I'll be right there with a cool cloth to wipe the poultice and all its debris from your body. You will have sweet nectar of Truth to soothe your feverish brain. And then you must rest, for what you have just endured is one of the bravest acts of self-love to ever be performed. You have chosen to discard an infection that has ravaged your body through so many incarnations. You have deemed yourself worthy of wholeness and purity. You will see yourself in all it's perfection; just as I see you.
This is a very personal journey for each of you, one I am most honored to assit with. I'm reaching out to you now with streaming energies of Love. Take my hand and when you are through, the only tears you will shed will be those of joy. 
All my Love, Boo


Thank You

Stargirlll's picture

Dear Boo, I truly needed this. I have been doing quite well until the past two days. My puter has been having issues...my body is all over the map and some doubts have been trying to nag at me. Darn it...i said to those doubts....just hit the road! Today, they did...i feel whole again.  Your loving post just assisted me more....I don't sway too often, but when I do, it hurts. I am usually centered, in the eye. Now, I am up higher, with a new feeling of renewal and Love. I see them in my skies most every night. They are so beautiful, I talk with them aloud and telepathically. I talk with many, my Heart swells with Love! My journey has been solo, it has been a bit tough, and I learned to love my aloneness. I embraced it..saw it as the silk in the sand....it was my comfort and solace. It was my time to heal, face and heal again. I am so glad you are here, I somehow feel very comfortable with you. Old friends I feel, so nice. I feel so much for all things, upon and in this planet. It's growing, I am growing, and I am preparing to fly! 


Love to You, Stargirlll

Stargirlll you are so

Boo Walker's picture

Stargirlll you are so beautiful and so blessed; and evidently tough as nails! Your strength feeds me, your love nourishes me, I thank you so very much!


shininglight777's picture

Did you intentionally put that picture of the Raindrop technique with this blog? Because the process you described so beautifully here is what takes place physically, mentally, and spiritually when I do this technique of applying essential oils to the spine and feet of people. The oils physically realign the cells and reawaken the DNA programming...if you would like to know more message me :-)