The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence: Scientific Proof Of Intuition

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We all know the difference between good vibes and bad vibes, but what is really happening at a scientific level when we talk about “vibes”?  Or what about when we know someone is a bad person and can feel it in our gut, only to later find out that they are abusive and manipulative?  While there is an energetic and spiritual side to this question, there is also a hard scientific explanation of what is occurring when we tap into the vibes of other people.   With the development of new scientific instruments, intuition is now something being studied using the scientific method.

The electromagnetic field of the heart

The heart generates a powerful and measurable electromagnetic field.  Magnetocardiography is the science of measure the field that is produced by the electrical activity within the heart.  It’s mainstream scientific knowledge that the resonant frequencies of the field of your heart interacts with the fields of others around you.  This effect is super strong within the first several feet in particular, but has been reported to be measured even at a distance of hundreds of meters.
