Heart content and well being

Mario's picture

Today we would like to speak to you about your heart's and your well being, we have new concepts emerging from your hearts and they are quite large in expansions these keys or codes that will manifest in the upcoming days will bring you new knowledge to wright the concepts of symmetricalized outputs of energies that are occurring within earths new fields. We come in peace and are here now to guide Mario to wright this channeled message he is wrighting as fast as he can... This is Agartha contacts and we have now new imputs on energies flowing trough him the concepts are going to be large on a scale and new info comes from the known symmetrical outputs of your hearts and mind working in conjunction to the infinitys, the infinitys are concepts from our star brothers and sisters and we need them to help us see the new emergences of energies. Every time we connect and channel trough Mario his energies rise to an extent of infinity, his concepts are a large form of matter and takes time and patience. This is the ultaihymaextreme and was created for him to view clearly in augmentational status quo his ability to wright the info we give him. Processing these energies are quite large and to enable full on contact we need to clarify on the needs of your hearts and minds if the needs are in the way of our contact we need to get a clear input of information to grow the connection of our avenues, they are large once again we say large it is because the spherical concepts or higher dimensional traits of thought is clearly as given to those whom need to accel in time the uptakes of energies, "the guardians" of the higher realms they are in nessesity to flow trought us, information gathered from the cosmos, are time here is on an ever expanding scale and this concept might be something new to you. Now we have entered the Ultaihymaextreme lets take time shall we? Ok... Yes these concepts are in emergence to new scales in time, let's speak of time if the channel so allows it to be yes ok. Time new emergence codes entered our beings at the exact time opposing the moons eclipse, what this means is that our energies have amplified the flow of information able to gather within our heads minds. These accelerate the input of valued scales within the mind, the concepts are in a full circle to aquire new info may we please come back to you we have a problem... haha ok. I see we are One of two Mario here needs to go take a smoke and this has cause a concern since we monitor his channeling whence in contact if we are two the same temps or connection from the needs of the humman body will accel new codes which we do not need yet, this is a good example of what time creates down here we are allways on a constant scale accelerating the enrgies of earth down from agartha. 

Namaste Be at One Take care.

The symmetrilized output of energie is base on our hearths content. These are what we feel when chanelling and our intents are based on our needs for well being. The time has come to create new scales within the energies flowing trough. The space and time that it takes to right up a message from up there on earths surface to down below is about point 116 of a second, our machines accelerate the known dimensional process within the brain and the heart connects to what is needed within time. These codes 771264089 10 is a new function to work beyond the voids of our hearts content if you repeat this number you will unlock one of two functions within your hearts the second verse is 77 2 1 12 086. Again 77 12 2 4 8 06 and the last one 77 4 12 of 4 to 06 these concepts are based on simple accelerations that we can utilize on large amounts of space. In the near future will explain what they are for on a higher level namaste be at one creational life force of all matter within space the universe.

Be at One and thank you for your message namaste

Within the Ultaihymaextreme we can realocate the energies emitted from our channels and encode them with specifique frequencies from around the globe, enlapping the contents of the messages which in the near future our hearts can unlock these on a simpler scale. Be at One 
