~From the Heart ... part 1 by Ellaeenah Ascension Network~

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~From the Heart ... part 1 by Ellaeenah Ascension Network~




From The Heart …1

There are times when you put another’s pain before your own. And there are times when you stay with the pain and allow it to gently disappear. Life is knowing when to do what.

Prayer helps every situation. Worry worsens it. Pray for a state of mind or existence to prevail rather than an outcome, which our higher powers know is not meant to be. Allow Divine Grace to intercede. BELIEVE that EVERY prayer is answered in full; even those where the outcome may not be what we desired.

Hold tight. It will go. Hold free. See the flow.

Attachments drain our energies in more ways than we are conscious of. Let us conserve and build up our spiritual resources by accepting what we cannot change. Our attempts to change the outside reflects our attachment to it. Instead let us accept Divine Aid and change the inside so that it accepts the outside exactly as it is.

Instead of asking ‘ can I trust the other?’ we should ask ‘can I trust that I will open my heart wide enough to draw in trustworthy persons?’. Those we encounter are those for whom we make place in our heart. Trustworthy relationships come our way when our hearts are open wide.

There is no wrong or right till we make it so. The wrong choice is merely one whose opportunity we haven’t seen. Make all paths work for you. Uncover the potential of all choices. Don’t fret about being right. Everything is right till we make it wrong due to our lack of vision.

Our goals are not as important as the Consciousness with which we set the goals.

If we train ourselves to consciously think and feel, positively, for things we generally take for granted, we will naturally have less time to think and feel negatively. Don’t attempt to not think negatively; attempt instead to feel positively.

How tenuous is this thing we call ‘inner equilibrium ‘. And how quickly it gets torn asunder by the sweep of time and space. Inner Balance is that which surveys the whirling winds, and digs deeper into its own roots.

To battle effectively against violence and pain, we must surrender to the force of Shakti. Shakti-Love is a force whose time has come. It’s strength is mightier than any we have experienced. Let’s pray ‘ Shakti Force I surrender to you. You reign supreme and I am your willing instrument ‘.

At times our need to appear good, play the victim and blame the other, overpowers our essential sense of integrity, making us live a lie. The hardest truth to acknowledge is the bitter one about self. The hardest shift to make is the leap from blame to response ability.

A defeated weak person replies ‘I don’t know’
A victor says ‘let me find out’. Pay attention to your words. They reveal a lot about you. Talk different. Talk strong. Be a winner. Always

The joy of being HUMAN is that we have the power to turn things around. Muck to luck. Pain to gain. Rage to sage. Cry to try. Frown to grown. Let’s shift tracks that threaten to derail. Power filled day to you.

We ARE, and so the Universe is. Feel the immense power of that truth. Let us never forget that our challenges are always smaller than us. Happy day all.

The world around us reflects how ungentle we are with ourselves. To nurture oneself means to be compassionate towards self, to release self from the useless burden of guilt and to turn a loving eye towards our flaws. The answer to the harshness of the world lies within us. Choose to be gentle today. With self. With all.

To believe in what we see and experience is easy. To have faith in that which is, as yet, unknown, is the true test. It is this faith that converts the unknown into that which can be joyously experienced. This is the eternal secret of manifestation.

Emotional maturity is measured by how little you expect to take and how much you are ready to give. Unless your inner resources are plentiful, you cannot externally provide for others.

That imbalance which liberates and leads to self transcendence is preferable to the balance that keeps you at the same place. Let’s get rocked!!

Instead of asking the Universe to relieve you of your challenges, ask to be given loud and clear guidance that you can easily understand. Ask for courage and fortitude so that the end of the journey seems attainable and well within your reach. Ask for loving wisdom and merciful understanding to sit lightly upon your shoulders, making LIGHT of the burdens you carry.

Commitment gives us the consistency to follow a chosen path. This generates the energy that manifests the intent.

Each time we make intent we must strengthen it with commitment. Before our intent is fulfilled, the universe tests our genuineness. To go through those tests, the power of commitment to our intent is absolutely essential. To change, shift, and BE what we desire to be is not easy. But commitment makes it less difficult.

Often when people hurt you, is when they need you the most. Only a heart filled with love can understand this. Their vicious words come from the depths of unbearable pain. In these times, love rises above the hurt caused and stands in silent support to alleviate the pain of the other.

If I have to pretend , you’re not my friend.
If I HAVE to agree, I’m not free.
If I have to bend, it will be the end
Of a relationship thats good
For neither you nor me.

Thank you for the lessons learnt
The love received
The wisdom earned
Thank you for the roles you play
So I may grow
In a better way
Thank you for the joy and tears
Both release me
From my fears
Thank you for being my guru, my friend,
For holding my hand
To the very end.

One of the ways the universe communicates is through dreams. Though we may not intellectually recollect the communication on waking, the deeper and higher layers of consciousness are in full awareness. To make this communication more vital and ‘tangible’, each night invite masters/ angels to be with you as healers, guides, friends and confidants. Enjoy the clarity and wellbeing that you will begin to experience.



