By Jack Adam Weber L.Ac., Dipl. C.H.
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
Despite its advertised promise, the experience of heartbreak is often chaotic, confusing, and messy. Most people want to get out of it as soon as possible. And for good reason; it hurts. Trying to escape heartbreak prematurely, however, leads to the perpetuation of pain, otherwise known as suffering. While everyone´s journey through heartbreak will be unique, there are many helpful tips as well as a context of healing for how to embody this process in order to be released from the depths of pain and loss as a renewed, wiser, more genuinely loving person.
At some point each of us faces heartbreak. Whether we lose a loved one, our health, a piece of land or a whole planet to over-development and toxicity, each is a kind of heartbreak. Some heartbreaks bring us to our knees, and these occasions hold the promise the most growth and initiation into deeper love.