Henry Seltzer – A Powerful And Transformative New Moon

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Henry Seltzer – A Powerful And Transformative New Moon – 15 September 2012

Saturday’s New Moon is another in the long series of intense lunations that we have been experiencing lately. This time is especially so considering that Uranus and Pluto are making an exact hit of their long-running square only a few days later, on the night of the18th – at around midnight PDT, later of course to the East. Saturday’s lunation prefigures this later time, so that this weekend and all next week will be powerful. Pluto is also in the midst of making his September 17th station to direct motion, and is therefore far more poignantly configured, while the New Moon makes a strong declinational set of aspects to his partner in crime, Uranus.

We are all – still – really in for it, as the evolutionary pressure mounts yet again. We are likely to see surprising events, and transformational themes, continue to unfold as this climactic month begins to wind down and we turn our collective gaze toward the fall season.

www.shiftfrequency.comlink to original article

