He's Been Following You All Of This Time

Ra-Raela's picture

About a day or so ago, my boyfriend related the experience of a friend of ours. I listened to it, laughed about it, and promptly forgot about it. Until this morning, when my Higher Self showed up and explained it to me. A BIG lightbulb went on, and I wept. Perception is such a funny thing. You can look at a thing one way, and nothing happens. You look at it in another way, and the churchbells ring. This is what he related to me:

A friend of ours had a bout with cancer. During her therapy time, they went to a shelter and  got a little dog. They named him Chemo. The other day they went to a restaurant that allows dogs in their outdoor patio. They go there all the time, and so our friend let the dog off the leash and let him roam freely. After the meal, she looked around...no Chemo. So she started searching for him...all around the restaurant...and started to worry. She went up to the waiter, and asked him: 'Have you seen a little black dog?" And he looked at her, and then down, and said: "You mean, like the little black dog that has been following you around?" She looked down, and there he was, looking up at her. She was overjoyed of course.

When the story popped into my head this morning, my Higher Self explained to me, that that is how we perceive out divinity, our God Self. We look for it everywhere, searching for it and when we get to a Master (i.e. the Waiter), he points to our God Self and says, He or She has been with you all along. God is closer to you, than you are to yourself!



Absolutely true!

Lina's picture

Wow! Really touching.
I wept when I got to the end of it as well! Beautiful!

Love and Light!