Hidden ORIGINAL 13th Amendment , 1812, Real Evidence

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Proof by Certification by State Archives of N.H. that in 1812, at least 6 states had ratified the ANTI-LAWYER Amendment. Basically preventing anyone who had a BAR membership, accepted a title of Nobility form foreign King, Prince, Power from even being a US Citizen, much less holding any OFFICE . This has been hidden since Pres. Abe Lincoln erroneously named the ANTI-Slavery amendment the "13th", when actually that one from the Civil War was the 14th ratified amendment.


Lost 13th Amendment

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Several months ago, I heard Drake report that the 13th Amendment was no longer in the  "current" printings of the US Constitution. I have now had a chance to examine an original 1819 rare document in a private California library. It reads as follows:

   "No title of Nobility can be granted by the United States [NOTE: not all capitals in the spelling]: and, no person holding any office under them can, without the consent of Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever from any King, Prince, or Foreign State.

   "Any Citizen of the United States accepting, claiming, receiving, or retaining, any title of nobility or honour, or, without the consent of Congress, accepting and retaining any present, pension, office, or emolument, of any kind whatever, from any Emperor, King, Prince or Foreign Power, such person ceases to be a citizen of the United States, and is incapable of holding any office under them or either of them."

   PLEASE NOTE: for the time being, I am not mentioning the name of this library, as a precaution from theft. This is a rare document and proves that this amendment was removed from the Constitution. We need a gathering of some UNBIASED Constitutional scholars who can look at 18th and 18th-century original documents to verify how many other changes have occurred.

We can Concur Guest

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The truth is COMING OUT and the People will WIN!

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