Dear ones we are here to help guide and support, you may wonder why we have chosen this platform to share our words with you and we are here to explain fully and to guide further. Many of you in human form as now actively trying to dissolve that which is "holding you" back, this is the frequency of the old 3D earth that is now trying to keep hold within your energy signature and which is showing for most of you as drama and stress within your waking human life experience. So deep are the teachings on planet earth around human families and the needs of others that many of you are now within what is termed " a holding pattern", unable to detach fully from any of the teachings as you now fall into chaos that is fuelled by trying to remain in balance and trying to align once more with your human families.
The role of human family is completely different under the new earth energies and this has not been explained nor clarified to any great extent, so we now step forward to help you attain clarity of vision and help those who are here to help birth the new GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND find support and guidance at HUMAN CONSCIOUS WAKING MIND level. It is to be noted that the energy that you are in TRUTH is fully accepting of all that is unfolding, it is the human logical mind that now stamps its feet so to speak and tries to teach that all that is happening is in fact something other than it is.
It is not possible to create a new way of living and a new way of being by using the teachings of the old earth, they are too low in energetic signature and too distorted to anchor, so you are asked at human conscious waking mind level to accept the new earth energies and to look below the 3D overlay of human life on planet earth to FEEL TRUTH. This may be challenging at this moment as your human family begins to try to pull you back into the lower energetic frequencies. Often the teachings that are most powerful are the ones that remain hidden to your human conscious waking mind, so deeply anchored that you know of no other way of being or living and we are here to help you illuminate clearly these teachings, for they do not serve in any shape or form. You cannot help your human families who are blind to the new earth by allowing them to re-anchor the old frequencies for the old frequencies are no longer support by or upon planet earth. What unfolds is a type of chaos that seeks to feed the old earth but in TRUTH cannot hold it in place for it is not supported.
Many of our star seeds are now in chaos for the Orion star seed is logically aligned, this is appropriate on our Star System for we are star system that is anchored in the LOVE that IS but upon planet earth this is causing many of our children to stay within the logical human mind and not allow the heart to take its rightful place which is guidance within the new earth. The HEART KNOWS TRUTH and the heart is the guide within the new not the logical human brain for the logical human brain has no reference point for any of that which now unfolds upon and within planet earth. Your heart is your connection to your SOUL and ALL are guided by their SOUL under the new earth frequencies.
We ask that you process our words and our guidance on this platform through your heart and that you allow the human vehicle to now actively find balance. We understand fully that our words may trigger and it is precisely why they trigger that we have stepped forward, for dear ones ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE. The human logical brain is now trying to hold on and to teach where it is not appropriate, we call to the energy that you are in TRUTH and ask that at human conscious waking mind level that you step into the new earth and have TRUST and FAITH in SELF.
We will guide across ALL aspects of the human life experience and we guide in depth for ALL must now let go of the very human aspect of SELF in order to come back into balance at a GALACTIC SELF level. You are more than human, you are energy in TRUTH that has incarnated into a human vehicle to live life on planet earth. The events that unfold across and within planet earth will now begin to challenge fully the teachings that have held the human race in chains for aeons.
We step forward to address this challenge and to support ALL in human form at this time. May our words help you dissolve that which you have been taught and may it help you to anchor TRUTH, that you are a vast being of LIGHT in human form and that ALL is PERFECT.
We are the High Council of Orion and we walk with you always for WE ARE YOU and YOU ARE WE. The changes now unfolding upon planet earth will show TRUTH to new levels. We are here for you at ALL times, may you find peace and serenity within your human life experience as you now dissolve the teachings and come fully into balance. It is TRUTH that will set you free in your human form and TRUTH JUST IS dear ones.
copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved
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