~High Council of Orion Love message for June 13th, 2011~

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Welcome loved ones, we are blessed once more with this opportunity to further guide and support you at this time of great change across your planet. We are here to help you through the various symptoms that may occur as your body changes from the denser 3D format to the higher light body. All of you are affected by the energies that are sweeping across the planet, many of you will be unaware of the “upgrade” to the physical, putting your symptoms down to feeling run down or becoming ill, catching a “bug” as it were. Many others of you may be alert to the changes happening deep inside your BEing and many more of you will suffer little or no symptoms as you adapt to the changes of simply by BEing.

It may sound incredibly simple to just BE, but how far in illusion you are will depend how easy this is for you to do. We note that many humans across the planet attempt multiple tasks all the time. Hardly any of you take one task at a time, deal with it and move on, many of you continually overload yourselves to the point of frustration. We guide you most strongly to be aware of the tools of illusion. How does it serve to be continually Doing? Once more we ask the question as to why you would name yourselves human BEings but continually overload your mental and physical body with tasks?

Your world may seem as if it is speeding up to many of you as you prepare your day and immediately lose the sense of the present moment by projecting your thoughts far into the distance of the rest of your day. Immediately you are less powerful than when you opened your eyes and got out of your bed. Can you see the analogy? Do our words resonate with you? You have been trained to always look to what is about to be created or to look back at what was created, both ways will rob you of your power. There is massive power in the NOW, in this present moment. Your human minds find being in the now very painful and we ask the question WHY?

We guide you to the planting of the seeds of fear. If you did not contain fear then why would you propel your thoughts to later in the afternoon or in two weeks time or for some of you months ahead? What is it that you fear? Do you fear that mother nature and the universe will cease to provide for you? Do you fear as many of you do that if you do not worry then there is something wrong with you? Worry IS NOT a natural state of BEing for humans no matter what you are told.

The state of fear and worry cause many changes in the human body that work against you so it would make little sense for you to be continually in fear and anxiety on a daily basis. The natural state for a human BEing is calm and tranquil and that CAN be achieved once you have rooted out the seeds of fear. How well planted and how deeply planted will affect how you are able to root them out. Like the long yellow rooted plants that grow in the gardens sometimes when you uproot the seeds the roots will stay embedded and you will in effect just be pulling out some of it. BE VERY AWARE of this. Do not be complacent when it comes to fear. Once more we guide you strongly that if you find it at all unpleasant or difficult to stay in the present moment you have seeds of fear that are growing unchecked.

The energies across the planet will enable you to create and manifest at ever rapid rates. This may catch some of you by surprise and will result in your life changing dramatically before your eyes. We guide you to be aware of this and to go with the flow. The human mind tends to continually jail itself, not daring to dream big as it does not want to travel too far from the confines of its jail cell. We encourage you beloved ones to DREAM BIG, our guidance is very strongly that if you can dream it you can live it. Please dear ones re read our words and fully digest what we mean by them. If you can DREAM IT then you can LIVE IT. The only barrier to being able to do this is your mind.

As long as your mind is preoccupied by “world events”, “disasters” or closer to home “work situation” then your mind will not be able to fully use all the power it contains to create for you. You will have a part of yourself that is seeded with fear that will cancel out the power of the part of the mind that has freed itself.

We guide you strongly to look at the life you have thus far created for yourself. Are you happy? What is stopping you from FEELING the sensation of happiness? Does it involve money? Does it involve status? We guide you strongly that if it contains either then it is illusion that has seduced you. It has propelled you out of the now where you can feel any emotion you desire to the future where your mind will try to create various scenarios. If you have fallen into fear then the scenarios will reflect this, your mind will take you to various scenarios that incorporate the fear that you contain. Are our words clear on this beloved ones? Do you see clearly the analogy that we make?

Your outer reality is a direct result of your inner reality. Therefore if you are growing seeds of fear the outer reality of your existence will contain elements of this fear. You may find yourself in the situation where “the glass is half empty”. We like this analogy and will use it further to help you dear ones. “the glass is half empty OR half full”, this phrase contains two situations that are directly opposing but BOTH ARE CORRECT. Do you see how you can quickly and easily change your very existence? IT IS that simple dear ones, we would not guide you that it was so if it was not.

You have been trained to believe that human existence is a struggle, that you must continually be on the look out for the negative and you must take steps at all times to keep your eyes on the future. We ask you why this would be? What does this do to you? We guide you to sit and meditate if you will on why you would be trained this way if it was not to regulate the power that you have within your very BEing.

Many of you pass down the trainings of your previous generation without thought to what it is that you are passing on. Young humans are then put through the process of training in the name of love. We guide you strongly to step back from this and try to see through the illusion and see how the illusion has got you training your own race to be subservient. Young humans arrive on the planet with enthusiasm and joy within their very BEing, yet the older humans begin to implant the seeds of fear from a very young age. Under the guise of love you tell your offspring to be careful about all they do, if they go outside you fill them with fear that they may be attacked or carried off by a stranger. We acknowledge that the intention is love but guide you to look at the reality of the seeds of fear and how deeply planted they will be. Your young humans are then molded into the attentive humans that the older generations believe themselves to be.

Please beloved ones take a look at this scenario and begin to ask who it serves? We fully acknowledge that our words may be difficult for you to digest and take on board. Such is the depth of illusion and the timescale of its teachings that many are deeply attached to it. Why is it important that your young humans begin to obey? What does this do to their joy and creativity? What does it do to their DREAMS?

We guide now about DREAMS, how many of you are living your DREAM? How many of you can even remember the DREAM that you had a young human and are not fulfilling it? WHY? WHO told you that your DREAM was impossible and why would they do that? We guide you most strongly once more that such is the power of the human mind that if you can DREAM your life you can LIVE it.

We move on to guidance around the media and in particular films and video games that are prevalent across the planet. We wish to guide you in relation to DREAMS and alert you to the content of many films and video games that are being disseminated across your planet. Do they contain the stuff of good DREAMS or are they the stuff of NIGHTMARES. If you take on board our guidance around DREAMS and how they create your reality then why would it be that most films and video games are centred around death and destruction? What does this do to the human mind when the human views these games or films and then goes to sleep? Does some of the nightmare root into the mind? Does some of it help the seeds of fear that are present grow faster and stronger? Do you see our analogy dear ones, do our words resonate with you?

WHY would the video game industry work as it does? WHO does it target? We guide you to be very wary of allowing your young humans who’s minds are perhaps not as trained and contained as the older humans on the planet to be interacting with damaging material. It is NOT JUST a game dear ones, it is a tool of the illusion. As you watch the films with horror and nightmare material what you in essence do is desensitise yourself to the pain, as the desensitisation gains in momentum then you become numb to the feeling. Being in a state of numbness means that you do not fully interact with the life and humans around you. We have guided to the effect of having a clear heart chakra. When you experience pain, whether simulated or real you affect your heart chakra.

The human mind has a hard time recognising what is simulated and what is real, such is the power of the human mind. Used to help awaken and enlighten you to your full potential this is a power ally, but the illusion already knows this and uses it against you in ways that you may not have understood. You do the job for the illusion under the guise of entertainment.

We guide you now on the use of your females as entertainment. Once more the illusion has you tricked, many males across the planet now believe that they are superior to the female human. They have failed to realise that we are all ONE and that the female they share the planet with is but another aspect of themselves. Such is the hold the illusion has over some of the population they would give away a part of themselves for the illusion of power and money. Both are weapons of the illusion to further secure the power of the human mind. We guide you strongly to love each and every one of your fellow humans across the planet. There is no divide between you, there is NO stronger sex, there cannot be as you are all ONE. Do our words resonate with you? Do you understand them?

The female of the human race is under the illusion that somehow they can better the males on the planet, why would this be? How can you better what you are? How can you “get one over” on an aspect of yourself? Once more we guide you to look behind the veil and see the illusion at the controls. As both sexes of the human race rage a war against each other the illusion draws off your power. It destabilises the human race as a whole. We guide you to think for a moment what could be achieved by the coming together of both sexes as one complete harmonious race. You both compliment each other, this is mother nature at her finest. Never was it meant for both sexes to rage a war against each other. This further divides an already divided race.

We guide you strongly to appreciate the different qualities the opposite sex has. All is an aspect of the ONE. Do you understand our words dear ones? Why would you rage war and pain on an aspect of yourself? We fully acknowlege how difficult it may be to digest our guidance and how this may spiral you down into fear as you begin to recognise the depth of illusion that has reigned across your planet for aons. As we guided previously we guide strongly against this. To be aware is to be able to change. Focus on the love and compassion for all the humans across the planet who are under the spell of illusion. It is by holding the space for your fellow humans to begin to awaken and realise the truth that will change all across your planet. Every negative emotion will feed the very illusion that you seek to be free from.

It CAN and WILL be done dear ones, by supporting, loving and accepting one another for the marvellous BEings that you truly are you will free the whole of the human race. Where you find fear pour love through it, where you find hate pour love through it, where you find pain pour love through it. The illusion is strong and it is not called illusion for no reason. Do not spend time berating yourself for falling under its spell as this will feed the seeds of fear in general across the human race. Instead step into the power that you have within you and pour love out from your heart across the planet. Help to hold those still steeped in the illusion from falling further down into it. Seed love across the planet. Hold love in your heart as you go about your daily life. Where you find a human that is having a “bad day” send love from your heart to their heart. You do not need to voice the words to them simply send them some love and it will be done.

It IS this simple beloved ones, you CAN have the life of love and joy that you wish, it is there in front of you but the smoke and mirrors of illusion has been hiding it from you. Brush away the smoke and mirrors and reclaim your BEing. We step back now to allow you to absorb our guidance. We are ONE and we are your brothers and sisters from the stars. Claim back your power dear ones, we watch over and protect you at all times, we are the high council of orion.
