~Higher Solar Energies Affecting More People~
~Galactic Love Reporter Denise Lefay~
Over the past couple of years grocery shopping (to be totally honest about this, simply leaving my house!) has taken on the same dread and resistance as having to go to the dentist for a Root Canal…and pay for it. Seriously, the normal choirs of living in physicality have become dreaded journeys out of my higher frequency safe zone house, into the lower frequency realms of physical hell just to forage for food and supplies. Since the Ascension Process began many years ago, leaving my house and property to shop meant I’d be dropping back down into lower frequency energies, people and consciousness—and as we’ve all discovered—it’s extremely physically and psychologically painful doing this.
I used to return home with my hard-gained groceries and other physical booty and have to physically and emotionally recover from having spent time out there in that lower frequency environment. Sometimes it took hours to recover and regain my strength and transmute the lower junk I’d encountered while out there; other times it takes days to recover. In 2011 there doesn’t seem to be any recovery anymore, just more exhaustion and physical pain that lessens over time but never goes away completely. What a price to pay just to buy food, toilet paper, shampoo, cat food, clothes etc. Crazy.
This morning (Nov. 28, 2011) I had to go to two stores to grocery shop and it was as usual physically and psychologically painful, but there was something different that happened and that’s why I’m writing this. What I saw today while shopping was an eye-opener for me and gave me a sense of what 2012 is probably going to be like for many, many, people.
While in these two stores grocery shopping this morning (Nov. 28, 2011) my Mom and I kept running into other shoppers in the isles which is normal, BUT, every one of these people was totally unaware, confused, dazed, incapable of responding with any sort of normal reaction to their being in the way of other shoppers and so on. The first few times this happened I ignored it and pushed on past them all. But isle after isle we kept encountering this same mentally dazed, brain-dead, zombie-like state in 99% of all the shoppers. I saw only one young adult man with his little son who was functioning like a “normal” human. He was very aware of where he was, what he was doing there, the other shoppers all around him, of me and me of him, what he was doing and so on. I think this may be why he and I noticed each other repeatedly throughout the store; we both were glad to encounter another human who wasn’t acting like a lost zombie in some cheesy movie!
These shoppers were not all seniors either but a good mix of society both in age and sex so this can’t all be blamed on the old people having a senior moment. Isle after isle we kept running into small groups of shoppers behaving like zombies who’d gotten themselves—and everyone else who came upon them—stuck in a zombie cluster-fuck traffic jam pile-up where none of them could even figure out how to solve the problem and escape the congestion. It really was unbelievable.
These people where spaced-out, zoned-out, dazed and staring glassy-eyed at merchandize on the shelves, at their mate, smiling helplessly and frozen at other shoppers needing them to move, or just staring blankly into empty air. I’m not exaggerating, it was incredible, and once we finally made it to the grocery checkout both the young cashier and grocery bagger were spaced-out and got lost mentally in mid-sentence while dealing with us. My Mom and I watched them both get lost at different points with what they were doing and eventually come back up-to-speed mentally. Very weird to witness this to this degree in so many “normal” people out in public.
Driving home I reviewed what I’d witnessed in two different shopping stores with different groups of shoppers. Then I remembered how ungrounded and out-of-it I felt last week when I had to go out to buy something. I felt I was an ungrounded ridiculous mess at the time and was embarrassingly aware of my condition. It was also abnormally difficult for me to drive that day because I now feel other drivers mental intentions and line of focus and they usually come into direct energetic contact with my car, me, and where I’m driving which is very stressful while trying to not be effected by these mental and emotional lines of intent other drivers exude.
I was having trouble walking in straight lines and interacting with salespeople on this particular day last week. It was so severe that I was embarrassed over how abnormally ungrounded I was while out in public. It’s one thing to walk into door jambs in the privacy of my home when I’m adjusting and adapting to the latest Wave of higher Light Energies, but it’s another thing being in public while in these now constant embodying Ascension states.
It’s one thing having Ascension related words-be-gone brain fog which shuts off ones ability to remember the simplest of words for the simplest of things when trying to talk—make that pantomime—to a family member who, thankfully is also living the same Ascension related symptoms so completely understands your inability to articulate much of anything beyond grunts, frustrated hand signals and abundant cursing. But, trying to look and sound “normal” while out in public when one is deep in their 47,000th Ascension symptom is another thing entirely. I don’t want strangers observing me or having to interact with me while I’m dealing and struggling with what I’m transmuting and embodying in 2011. I’ve had to deal with this since February 1999 and I don’t want to be observed (and totally misunderstood) while doing my Living Alchemical Ascension Work during those brief moments when I have to be out there shopping. That’s what I want but of course not what always happens.
Ten, twelve years ago I couldn’t wait for the time when the rest of humanity would begin showing positive signs that they were living the Ascension Process. That time has arrived. It’s one thing being a Starseed whose mission is living and “Path Paving” these higher energies first, but it’s something else seeing for myself other “normal” people showing blatant signs that they’re being deeply effected and altered by the higher frequency Light Energies our Sun is transmitting to humanity and all life on Earth. I found it interesting that none of the shoppers my Mom and I saw acting like lost, confused, spaced-out zombies were consciously aware of how they were acting. Ignorance is bliss and it’s better they’re not consciously aware of how much they’re actually changing/evolving now physically…just like everything else in this world and reality.
We Starseeds (and some older Indigos) have had to consciously carry this knowing (some longer than others) while we lived and struggled through transmuting the old lower and embodied the new higher, but the masses will it seems, only stagger around out there for a while looking, acting, and sounding like unaware zombies slowly awakening from a long, horrible nightmare. This is a kindness for them and a benefit for the rest of us.
I have another article I’ll publish soon that talks more about the building solar energies of the 2012–2013 “solar maximum” period and how it’s already effecting the more sensitive people and their bodies and consciousness. Until then, remember that the Sun has been preparing to transmit higher frequency energies more often via solar activities but in new ways because we’ve completed the Mayan calendar/past Evolutionary Cycle and its framework and are in a highly receptive transitional zone until the end of 2012. The even higher energies the Sun will be transmitting throughout 2012–2013 will be much more intense, compressed, potent and fast-acting upon all life on Earth than anything we’ve experienced before the end of the Mayan calendar/Evolutionary Cycle on October 28, 2011. Said another way, hold on to your cosmic socks and learn to gracefully maneuver around the growing clusters of unaware shopping zombies while they too are activated to evolve now faster than the speed of Light.
November 29, 2011
Copyright © 2011–2013 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/
Hello Denise,
If you read these comments, I have a question. You've stated that when you leave your house, you have to walk into the lower vibrations and deal with the zombies of chaos. My question is, if you live in higher vibrations at home, why must that state of mind be reduced when you go out? Is home a physical place? Well of course it is as far as the physical goes, but is not your body, and everything connected to that, "home" all the time, really? Metaphysical people realize that, and strive to make it comfortable with its furniture of peace, love, long-suffering and all the other pieces. After a while the "furniture" is in place and enjoyed. Why must we allow the "lower vibrations" to re-arrange our spiritual domain? They can only do that if they are invited in.
I guess what I'm saying is, you need to walk out of your physical door but not your spiritual apartment. Don't allow people into it, so they can disturb your furnishings. That way when you get back to your physical house, life hasn't changed much, except that you've perhaps helped someone out there arrange their furniture, by shining some light on the chaos... Just a thought... :)
Love Is All
yes ellion..... Here is Her Website Info, All Our Love https://deniselefay.wordpress.com/2011/06/
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
Posted at her site
Thanks for the link..
Much love
Love Is All
I also experience this awareness when out in public, sometimes it seems that I am the only one who is conscious at all. I even make a point to write up shopping lists so I can get right to what I am going out for, and not get sucked into the mindless wondering shopping experience. I used to live in a crowded city (houston) and it was much worse there. Just leaving the house has become a real challenge for me. I am getting to the point that doing most mundane activities in life is a real challenge, and the desire to want to earn money is also slipping into despair as I just don't want to keep living in these confines that we have around us. I now live in a smaller city (eugene) which is better than where I was living, but now I am seeing the effects of our human condiotion even more as there is a huge homeless population here and a lot of them in my neighborhood/street. I hope and pray that we can continue to move forward and get past this seemingly crazy level of existence we live in right now. Keep living in love.
I knew it! I wrote about this today and have been saying it for months, interesting synchronicity.
I love it.
Thank you. Namaste.