The Holy Grail of Sacred Relationships

Isis Ra's picture

Every relationship we have is sacred, as it provides a mirror by which we get to know ourselves better.  As we grow spiritually, these relationships can change with the changes in ourselves. The ultimate goal in sacred relationship is to love yourself enough to feel complete, and to share your completeness with another. When this is accomplished the sacred fire is created and one can move closer to the place called “home” through the Holy Grail relationship.

Contracts with soul mates

We all set up contracts with our soul mates before incarnating to give each other experience. We chose our parents, our siblings, and our best friends. At one point in our awakening we realize what a gift this was as we look back at the lessons we learned from these loving souls, even if the The Holy Grail of Sacred Relationships | In5D.comexperience did not seem that way at the time it was experienced. Being in relationship with these people taught us how to be in relationship with others and we all have had our share of comings and goings with various people in relationship throughout our lives.

The purpose of all relationship is to be able to awaken to what needs to be worked on within yourself in order to grow spiritually. If something is mirrored to you the first time and you do not see it, then a pattern will emerge and another person will bring you the same experience and down the line until you finally see what it is you need to work on. This could be self love, judgment, righteousness, or something else that is in alignment with clearing the path to enlightenment.

Sacred fire

As we find ourselves in a time of spiritual advancement, we can look back see just how much we have worked on ourselves. We are now in the home stretch and something wonderful has happened that will give us the tools needed to make the final adjustments toward raising our vibrations into the next dimension.

The gift of sacred fire can be shared between two people who vibrate at the same level and join in lovemaking from the wholeness of the heart.

Being “in love” at this stage of the game of life is a wonderful gift and is the highest form of sacred The Holy Grail of Sacred Relationships | In5D.comrelationship between two people whereby their final lessons can be learned from a higher state of consciousness. The sacred fire can burn away all lower vibrations and can keep one in a state of joy and bliss. It is a gift beyond measure, as love is eternal and is what we are truly made of.

How do I attract a soul mate of the same vibration?

The answer to this question is tricky, because like simply attracts like. You will attract to you someone who is on your level of vibration without having to do anything at all due to the Universal Law of Attraction. As we grow spiritually, we tend to have loved ones fall out of vibration with ourselves and new people come into our lives, like a revolving door.  For all intents and purposes, the real question is how to prepare yourself to attract the highest vibrational partner to have a sacred relationship with.

Loving yourself

One of the hardest things to accomplish is self love and self forgiveness. Many people were taught throughout their lives to seek love and material things from the outside world in order to fill the hole they felt in their hearts. That hole has always been the separation from our Creator and can be filled with love for yourself once you realize that you are a part of the Creator. That is really the one thing that could change this world; everyone realizing who they really are.

Beliefs and judgments have been entrained within us since birth that make us feel less than worthy. It has been hard to accept every part of our body as perfect, since unrealistic thoughts of what we think we should look like have ruled our lives through Hollywood. The Holy Grail of Sacred Relationships | In5D.comFor some people, their whole lives have been a downward spiral of not feeling like they were ever good enough. Once we realize that most everything shown to us has had the sole purpose of making us feel like we weren’t good enough, we can overcome this lie and open our hearts to loving ourselves just the way we are.

Loving yourself takes practice. Take a look at yourself in the mirror and repeatedly tell yourself how much you love yourself. Many people do not take the time or effort to do this, and their relationships reflect it when they fall into fear of self worth or losing their relationship. At the same time, the person they are in relationship is probably having the same issues so it would be perfect of both people worked on the same thing at the same time, thus one would not outgrow the other and have to attract a different partner. Being aware of this and sharing with your partner makes it easier to stay in relationship as you continue to grow and learn about yourself and your mirror.

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