The Honeymoon is Over!
Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas
We are only a couple of days into February, but man oh man has the atmosphere of life changed tremendously. The only way I know how to describe it very much like a marriage.
January was the honeymoon period. We laughed, played, made passionate love thru the days of January with the new energy of life and our fully activated light body to Be with this energy. We got to know it playfully, exhaustedly.
There is no playful feel to February. It is very much a feeling of “ok we had our romp, now let’s get down to the business of Being together.”
Marriage takes work. It takes conscious interaction every day. A shedding of our old self and a merger into the new union. A true and committed partnership. A wholeness in union.
For a while now, every time I had seen February it was a big massive orange dome of energy that spread out from the 1st thru the 29th. Orange is related to our sacral chakra, our sense of Self in the world around us. Even our sex organs are located in our sacral chakra… we are either creating life from our sense of humanness (analytical, linear ego), or our sense of divinity and passion.
Sometime in January I started to see something else emerge in February… a really tight black belt that seemed to be squeezing the energy of February in half. We can look at this black belt as the stranglehold of the ego that keeps us from freely experiencing our fullness in life.
And then another element was added to the image…. the belt snapping like a rubber band stretched beyond its limits.
Think for a minute, of the rubber band. What energy it must take to finally snap loose and break free.
When I had seen this black belt snap I could see all the orange energy that has been held back by its binding, billowing outwards into our (perceived) future.
The one thing I knew about this event, it will change the course of life forever. But spirit never let me see how (and god knows, I tried in every way I know how to.)
As we ended the field of January, I forgot about this imagery… there is simply so much more to understand and integrate.
On Feb 1st I read for a man who was one of the very few people (in the new readings of February) whose soul energy is embedded into the field of the 6th dimensional energy (most people I am seeing now… are at the 5th looking for the way into the fullness of this new field.) He was busy waiting for his new life to arrive (let me tell you, waiting begets more waiting) and had a lot of reasons why he was not meditating… as the conversation went on, I had suddenly seen a tight black belt of energy around his belly… between his sacral chakra and solar plexus… snapping like a rubber band. I heard the field say quite sternly… (and this is not a quote at all) learn to surf the waves of your life or become the pebble under the ocean waves.
So many people have a very passive relationship with life. We trust it to be there. We trust that it has all the energy to fuel our dreams… but rarely to we get off the couch to interact with it. We have turned trust into a passive relationship.
Imagine now, life is a wild wonderful sexual activity. Do you just lay there and trust you will have an orgasm?? You can, and probably will… but to what degree?
Anyway… back to the black belt. I went to sleep on February 1st and all night long I dreamt, no made sure I placed in my awareness two dates. I had seen them both spelled out several times during the course of my sleep. February 15th and most especially March 11th.
March was a soft yellow glow of letters and the 11 a stream of translucent energy clear… but with various colored energy moving in and out of it. Sort of like mother of pearl but was alive.
The two feel very related, connected… as if the snapping of egoic energy in February feeds the energy of March.
I was hoping to get more information on this thru the readings scheduled for the day. I did not. I posted about these dream dates on my facebook which brought out a really interesting exchange of conversation.
Someone mentioned about blank canvasses and empty cups… not needing to figure it out. That statement scratched against my energy field like a pebble in my shoe. Didn’t really know why… so I went into meditation to understand my feeling.
The guardians showed up instantly with a major splash of color. There is nothing blank about the canvass of life. It is rich in texture and color and the brush strokes change every time we change our minds. To constantly peer into the tapestry of life, is to be fully engaged with life. To understand it and change with it, to change life itself. You are the tapestry of my life.
You are the ever-changing artwork of life. When I see your part of life’s tapestry, I see incoming potentials within the field of life, which adds to, changes and enhances my own Life… all-ways.
Meditation is the cup we drink of. The fuel of passion that is Life itself. We are never empty. To drink of this daily is to fully come alive in our Life.
Or not. Choices, ya know.
Be sure you are drinking and sharing and not simply becoming a drunk (smile, wink.)
With all their (the guardians) imagery and excitement about canvasses and cups, I had to ask about March 11th… they shut up. Well that was just not nice!! lol The only thing they wanted to talk about was being a like a child within your day. Asking questions, looking behind corners and into deep nooks and crannies of Life itself. Life is here to understand, integrate and play wildly with… in joy.
I just want to add here, I have grown in all of my abilities because of my insatiable need to know and understand. I have never been a causal observer in my life, but a crazy kid wanting to know why and how does this work… which brought me to every ability I now possess and use today. …and I know, more is coming!!
Anyway (smile) back to February. Most people I am reading now are on the outside of this dome energy. Now that alone has to be celebrated because to be there is to have a solid footing in the 5th dimensional energies of Love.
To be able to be fully in the field of what I simply call the 6th dimension and above… you must be aware of yourSelf. The inside self and NOT the outside self (for the outside is an illusion.)
I had a wonderful conversation with an astrologer yesterday that I had read for months prior. She remembered about June… I kept seeing June as a full activation of the grids of Divine Counterparts.
When we connected she had told me about Venus and it’s return after 120 years… this happens in June! I am soooo excited. She also mentioned about 2004 and this time. She is going to start her blog about it all… when she does, I will post her wonderful insight here on my blog.
I ended my day with a conversation with a lady and we were talking about the orange energy of February… and it hit me like a ton of bricks, which I touched on yesterday in my blog, but realized how intense it is. I can hear the field saying ” you gave birth to me, now Be with me.”
I am going to close on that note… and Be!
I love you all so much. You have painted the halls of my heart with radiance and joy, thank you for Being so bright and colorful!
Lisa Gawlas