HJ: Reality is subjectively experienced and created. The truth is that we have far more power over every facet of our life experience than we realize. It is so real and true to every last detail of our beliefs and emotions that it can frequently seem as if it is out of our control, because most of us are not aware of the myriad beliefs and perceptions we hold because they are so deeply ingrained into our psyche. They literally form the basis of our experience of reality and therefore they go unseen and unquestioned because we believe they ARE reality. Only through turning our gaze within and observing these patterns can we begin to deconstruct what we believe and bend our reality to our will through the restructuring of the most fundamental levels of our consciousness. It sounds more complicated than it is, believe me. The biggest stumbling block for most people is the steadfast clinging to their model of the world, even if it doesn’t serve them. The only truly necessary ingredients to be successful are a desire to change and a willingness to let things that no longer serve you go. A bit of motivation always helps...