As Humanity continues to rise to unthinkable levels of love and connection, integrating a true sense of self love is crucial. This can not be a forced process, for your soul will feel disrespected if you apply pressure or force love where it is not in alignment with how you truly feel.
Loving ones self fully and in truthful emotional alignment is a selfless seed, loving ones self openly and loud to show others what you feel you have achieved inside will only rob you of your moment for expansion.
Self esteem means for one to have a realistic respect and knowing of ones true authenticity and identity, this is confidence in its rightful position.
Self esteem that exaggerates cockiness is usually formed as a source of protection, or heart armor, and can ripple that same emotion to others.
Simply being honest with ones self about ones true strengths and weaknesses will set the space for more of who you are to emerge and integrate and will in turn help the collective do the same.