There's a lot of good advice in this article, but I wanted to add a word of caution. This can be used to manipulate and control another person, which is not something healthy for you or the other person. What we really need now is to open people up, not try to implant our beliefs into them.
Antony Sammeroff, Contributor
Waking Times
How do you change someone’s mind?
Well first of all, you have to be aware of the fact that people rarely change their mind on fundamental issues in one conversation. The mind is like a river running down the side of the mountain. It has momentum and likes a path of least resistance. In order to change the course of a river you have to divert it in such a way that another path down the mountain becomes lower and easier to follow. So it is with the mind. The mind likes its habit pattern because it is familiar, and so it is often reluctant to change.