How To Deal With Difficult People In Your Life

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Teacher Ram Dass once said, “If you think you are so enlightened, go and spend a week with your parents.”

It’s great advice. Whether it’s your parent, lover, friend or colleague, we all have people who trigger us. Something about them touches our wounds and brings out the worst in us – our pain, irritation, impatience, anger or even hostility.

Sound familiar? If so, here are 8 powerful ways you can deal with difficult people who push your buttons.

1. Set your intention

Our intentions shape our day and our destiny. If you know you will be spending time with someone who triggers you, set an intention in advance of your encounter.

I intend to feel good. I intend to stay calm. I intend to embody love and kindness.

Your intention will help guide your thoughts and actions. You can also bring your intention to mind whenever you feel tempted to slip back into old patterns of reaction and negativity.
