How Do I Get Others To Believe What I Believe?

will's picture

So you've discovered the incredible level of corruption that exists within the world's governments and you're wondering why more people aren't more outraged by this. You're ready for a revolution, you're ready for massive change, but you're wondering why the majority of people still seem so complacent. You've taken it upon yourself to start telling people the truth, to start changing people's minds. Maybe you've dug even deeper into the world's conspiracies, dug to the very Core of your Being, and you discovered God there, smiling at you. You discovered a Reality that transcends all dreaming, and you want to share the bliss and wonder of Oneness with everyone.

It's perfectly natural to want to share, it's a beautiful thing. A big part of being human is sharing our experiences with each other, it helps us to learn, grow, and evolve. However, there's something that has poisoned human interaction, and it seems very rare that people truly share freely. The thoughts people share with each other almost always have strings attached. We don't just share our beliefs, we try to convince others to believe the same way we do.

I see this question a lot, how do I change other's minds? How do I get them to believe what I believe? My answer to that is, don't. Sure, share with other people, share your thoughts and feelings, but don't attach strings. Be very careful about putting hidden desires and intentions in what you share with others. If you do that, even with best of intentions, you will still be adding to the problem. You're not setting anybody free by trying to get them to conform to what you believe.

It's the fascist mind that needs everyone to believe the same. It's a kind of intellectual violence, trying to force your beliefs onto others. It may not seem as bad as physical violence, but in the cases of belief systems like religion, politics and nationalism, conflicting beliefs are the root cause of the physical violence we often see in the world.

Can two people believe differently without it creating conflict? Questions like these are what we should really be asking, questions that get to the roots of our collective problems. Of course beliefs need not cause conflict, we simply take our beliefs too seriously. For most people, their whole “reality”, and I use the term loosely, is made up of beliefs. Any conflicting belief is a threat to their whole world, and it triggers a fight or flight reaction which generally means the conflicting belief is either ignored completely or fought against.

The ego, which is simply the person we believe ourselves to be, is a very fragile construct. It needs validation and when others believe the same things we do, the ego is safe. If you can get everyone to believe the same things you do, your ego will never be threatened. This is the core of why people need others to believe the same things they do.

Society would be stronger, more resilient and more intelligent if it learned to accept different perspectives. In reality, there's about 7 billion different ways of seeing things, and that's only counting the human beings on Earth. You get a clearer picture with more viewpoints, but we suffer from a kind of mental illness that assumes there's a “correct” way of viewing things and everything else is wrong. This demands conformity, and our individual uniqueness, which could be our greatest gift to society, is denied. In this, society battles against its own healing.

Don't agree with everything I've said here? That's perfectly okay! Can you disagree without creating conflict, without stirring up mental distress inside of yourself? Can my thoughts exist without being a threat to your mind? Can I be me and you be you? And this “you”, who made it? How did it come about, and what influenced it?


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