Dear Michael,
truly beautiful philosophical thread that you brought to FathermotherGod Amon Ra 's post... Thank you for this, and for keeping it without any accusations, blames, and judgments....
Now, me reading and rereading your words makes me so clear what FathermotherGod are saying for last 3 years of sharing their knowledge and wisdom of LOVE with US....
Present existence of 'ego' in 3D was, from my feelings, quite necessary, or it was necessary to bring our Light of Conciseness to much brighter frequencies...
I can make up the story now: for you:
There was a painter who discovered the most beautiful canvas and had an urge to paint it, but when he discovered that he has only bright white tube of paint, and one black tube, he started wondering how he can make true and beautiful feeling of creation that is in his heart?...
First attempt, He covered all the canvas with pure white, let it dry and start staring in this painting [or creation...] .... He was so happy and content watching this beautiful creation for billions of years...
Than he realized that he should challenge the entirely white canvas with some of the black areas, to give a depth, to make it more exciting, to experiment with darkness tones a bit ...
Our painter experimented for quite some time, with black dots, gray shades for depth, with black lines, to give definition of duality and separation... and at one moment the colored water for washing the brushes spilled over the corner of the canvas....
And instead to wipe it out, He let it dry, and after another couple of thousands of years, He looked on the canvas, realizing there is something so beautiful and deep in this creation.... Black and white colors intermingled together, they start dancing as ONE, on the canvas....
He decided to let the Sun Light dry the water from the painting, instead of 'whipping it out', and let them fusing together all the colors, shades in to one, completely new ONE, with new texture and feeling of togetherness....
He knew that He cannot remove mixed colors from the canvas, especially as they look so beautiful together, inseparable, intrigued, en-twanged.....
He was truly impressed how simple experiment of two completely opposing forces can create such a beauty.... Beauty of life... Only thing he needed was patience, love and some light [to dry the canvas....]
He called this canvas "How Earth discovered LOVE...."
There is saddle analogy to situation in our present situation in our Universe, our Milky way, our Earth.... How completely to separate black paint from the white ones?.... Is it truly possible?.... Is it definitely necessary?.....
Can we look a bit deeper in this painting of Creation of Humanity, and see behind the curtains of the theater stage?....
Can we recognize that even the 'dark' characters in this beautiful experiment play had their place, their timing and recognition?....
Can we accept that story line would not be so interesting and exciting, if we did not have 'dark' characters to spice it up the creation of this canvas or play?....
Bottom line of this shot writhing is that we all, all of us who played this beautiful game have a free choice to awaken from this 'dream play', realize why we are here, realize that we chose to be here, realize that we cannot carry with us our dark masks and dark uniforms any longer ...[called egos, duality, judgments, wars, accusations....]....
To be able to see this elaborate play, we have to move our point of view much higher that is now.... meaning, that we have to look situation on the earth from the space view.... Maybe from the SpaceShip view.....
Maybe, then we will realize how courageous was of US to drop in to lower frequencies of existence, how brave was of all of US to be incarnated here on Gaia at this time, simply to serve others who are on their path of Ascending in 5D, simply to serve Gaia in her Ascension to 5D......
I am so honored for all of You reading my posts, allowing self to broaden Your views out side of multiple boxes that we have been placed in [religious, sociological, culturological, educational, dualistic.... and so many others....].....
Please congratulate Yourselves for being so patient, so determined, so courageous, to be part of this great Evolution Experiment, and to bring it to very successful end of NEW beginning....
Thanks to us, humans, with small 'h', as we found strength and patience to recognize the only force in the Universe that can make a difference: LOVE....
With Love and nothing more, Predrag