How to Heal (A Message From You, To You)

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Healing is not something you do or give, it is something you permit to happen. Healing is a gift that is given and received simultaneously; it is a joining of the mind and heart and spirit. It is nothing more than the experience of your realization of oneness. To heal, do not try to do anything. Simply open yourself completely and vulnerably to whatever the Universe would naturally infuse you with. Feel the Universe willing your heart to beat. Feel the Universe pumping oxygen in and out of your lungs. And in that stillness, in that vulnerability, all Power in the Universe is Yours.

It is not yours to give. Nor is it yours to receive. It is only and utterly Ours. Power cannot be received or given by an individual. For the choice to view yourself as an individual is the choice to give up all Power. To believe yourself to be separate is to believe yourself without Power. This is one belief. Therefore, to receive Power – or to stop denying it – you must but believe yourself to be whole and connected. Once whole and once connected, all Power, you will see, is already Yours. The only question left is how the Universe would have it be used. And once one with the Universe, this Power will gladly and peacefully flow through you.

Healing, in this respect, is not a making better, but a returning to normal; it is not an action, but the removing of all obstacles to action. To be in need of healing is not to be sick, it is to be incorrect. Incorrect in what? In your self-assessment, of course. In your belief as to What You Are. Do you believe yourself to be separate? Well, then you are sick. For to be sick is simply to not be what you are. Thus to be separate is to be sick simply because you are not separate. And thus to heal, all you must do is believe yourself to be What You Already Are…which is Whole and Connected, i.e. One.

Once you realize the extent to which this is True, you will see why waiting this long was so paramount. It was paramount only and utterly because there was nothing to wait on in the first place. Nothing needs healing. Nothing needs changing. Nothing needs improvement. For everything is already Perfect.

Please see: this is because God creates only the Perfect. While this sounds serious and profound, it is but the choice to believe in God or to not believe in God. If God exists, everything is Perfect. If God does not exist, Evil is Real.

Thus does your healing only depend on whether or not you believe God to be Real. Thus does your healing only depend on your choice between Love and Fear. For now do you see that your choice between Love and Fear is nothing more than the natural reflection of your belief that God is Real or that God is make-believe.

If God is Real, what else is there to do but Love? If God is Dead, what else is there to do but Fear? If God is Real, what could possibly need healing? If God is Dead, what could possibly be Perfect? Please remember:

This is not complex.

In fact, it is painfully simple. And it is because it is so simple that such a complex system of distractions is even necessary. For without such a complex system of distractions, you would realize the Truth is staring you right in the face. What is the Truth?

God is the Truth.

This is why your belief in God is so paramount. Only because if God is not Real, then Truth does not exist. And if Truth does not exist, then what is there not to Fear? In the land where Truth is Dead, Satan is all powerful. In the land where Truth is Dead, deceit and manipulation is Power. But in Reality, God is all powerful. In Reality, Truth and Love is Power. In Hell, those who take have the most. In Heaven, those who give have the most. In Hell, those who cheat are rewarded. In Heaven, those with integrity are rewarded. In Hell, the arrogant and selfish are worshipped and given popularity. In Heaven, the meek and the humble inherit the entire Earth.

Where Are You Now?

What Do You Believe Now?

Is God Real Now?

All you need to know is that you are Completely Free to Choose Now.


This is in complete agreement and from the same Source as many of the other entries and posts on this site. I was inspired to post this one due particularly to the post preceding this one entitled "You Have Always Been Perfect." If this Speaks to you - which I Know it does - then please continue in your Quest for Truth. You are on The Path, my perfect brother. Continue onward with hope, faith, and above all else, Love.

This is the End. And this is the Beginning.

Of What Is Up To You.

(See more at and read this entry ("Healed by a horse"[i]) in context at

[i] This entry was written after going to the barn with my Mom and helping her take care of the horses. My mom could tell I was having a rough day so she brought me over to the oldest horse there and asked me to position myself under his neck and rest my head on his shoulder. While I’ve been around horses quite a bit, this is something that made me feel uncomfortable as it’s a very vulnerable position and one, essentially, of submission to the animal. But trusting my mother, I did as she asked and got under the horse’s neck and allowed myself to simply relax. After only a few seconds, I was overwhelmed with a feeling of relief as I simply “let go” and permitted this amazingly powerful animal to teach me how to heal. He could easily have hurt me or moved his head aggressively to assert dominance, but instead he simply allowed me to be there and hold him. It was quite moving so I immediately sat down afterwards and this entry flowed through me with ease.