How To Heal The Word

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Following our post to invite members and visitors alike to reach out and share their experiences we have had a wonderful response. 

Here is another experience shared by Lalania.

  Recently, about the last 6 months or so, my meditations have taken me on an interesting journey.

I meditate for all kinds of reasons, and do it when the feeling hits me. I have been meditating for many years, though I sometimes go days or weeks between them. I often meditate when I am feeling down, as these feelings are a sign that there is something coming up to be released.

In the last few months, I have had spontaneous and profound experiences happen during meditation. For example, one evening I had pain in my stomach, and so began to meditate. I began by grounding with the earth, connecting to the Central Sun. I frequently use Meg Benedicte’s vortex method (visualize a vortex at the base of the spine spinning counter-clockwise), and I began to spin out the pain in my stomach. Suddenly I became aware of the other types of physical pain and often chronic pain that people endure in bodies and I was filled with a deep compassion. During this experience I saw/felt disease, starving children, war injuries, sick babies, torture and more. I began consciously spinning out pain, suffering and disease for the whole of the human race. It was a very intense process and lasted about 30 min or more.

It is important to mention that though I am in tears while this was happening there was a knowing that what I was doing was an offering, a service. And although it was I in the center of this spinning vortex, I felt that I was a witness and at a safe distance, I knew I wasn’t taking on this energy.

This happened again while spinning out old energy wounds from many of my past relationships with men. I remembered having sex under pressure when I really didn’t want to, or being treated badly and going back for more. As I began to spin out that energy I suddenly began experiencing the suffering that the man (as in male), in his ignorance and pain, had spread across the world. I was feeling the ravages of: war, hate, anger, abuse of the earth, murder, greed, power, oppression, racism, physical and sexual abuse. I felt the pressures of being a man, the disconnect to emotion and the feminine. I had tears running down my face as I experienced, from a distance, this suffering, and I spun it out on behalf of the world’s men in dark clouds, spun it out into the cosmos to be recycled.

Immediately I began to see beautiful visions in my mind’s eye, the glories of man: tenderness, intelligence, generosity, vulnerability, fatherhood, strength, protection and love. I began drawing down golden liquid light into the vortex from my crown chakra and as it filled me to overflowing, it poured out to touch each man and all of Earth.

I have had this type of meditation experience many more times, releasing fear, suffering, and unworthiness. Then using the vortex to draw in golden light full of love forgiveness and generosity that is released to all.

I began to realize that I am instinctively doing this work for Gaia, I am assisting in her ascension by contributing to the healing of her inhabitants. By offering myself as a vessel to release the dark clouds of suffering, self-hate, shame and worry, and being a channel to share the light form the Creator with the Earth and humankind, I get to help. I guess maybe this is my mission. I am a lightworker.

I spoke about this experience with a friend who studies Buddhism, and she informed me that this practice has a name it is called Tonglen. It is a Buddhist practice! Then I thought what if we all do this? What if, when we feel sadness or anger or suffering, we release on behalf all mankind along with ourselves?

Peace dear Earth Family, with all my love,

Lalania Simone

Author of Urban Soul Warrior


Thank you Lalania

All our LOVE Galactic Free Press



I'm glad someone else is a

Guest's picture

I'm glad someone else is a natural energy healer and not quite sure what to make of it. Everyone keeps looking to me like an example, but I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing.