How I Developed My Extra-Sensory Perception

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Before I get started, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Jocelyn Daher. Unlike all of the other articles I have written for Spirit Science, this article is completely personal to my specific perception and journey. Instead of a to-do list or a numbered logical explanation of something I have learned to do by feeling, it just made more sense to open up to my honest process. For some this article will be exactly what they need to hear and will allow them to relate in their own ways to their childhood or intuitive processes. I am sure in this dualistic reality, that some would like a more structured and less personal account on how to access these innate gifts. Since each one of us as the apertures of the universe of diverse perspectives has a different view and experience. I am just forewarning you that this article is my opinion and personal account of how I have accessed these abilities, not a step by step guide; although it should ignite your specific remembering. So without further adieu, I can only hope my story will reach the singuality within each one of us. Gratitude for your patience and understanding.
