How to Motivate Yourself to Do Anything (Even When You Don’t Want to)

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HJ: Sometimes there are things that you have to get done, even when you don’t feel like it.  In those moments, it helps to be able to reframe your situation to find the motivation to do what you need to do.  And many times what you realize is that you can actually change how you feel about what you need to do.  You can make yourself suddenly want to get it done even when you were dreading do it just a few moments ago.  This ability to master your internal state of mind is priceless and a skill worth cultivating for the times you need it.

However, the more you can get and live in the flow by following your intuition and highest excitement, the less you will be faced with things you don’t want to do.  In time, you will find that everything that happens in your life is in alignment with what you want to be doing.  You may still have to face challenges, however, they won’t seem like dreaded obstacles — more like stairs to climb on your ascension upwards towards ever increasing levels of happiness and passion.

- Truth

How to Make Yourself Do It When Y...
