How Old Grows Young – Preschools in Nursing Homes Give New Life to Elderly Residents

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By Carmen Allgood
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Aging can have a lot of issues attached to it: The body is no longer at the top of its game and gravity is slowly but surely drawing the body down to its final resting place. We try not to complain, but Bette Davis probably said it best: Old age is no place for sissies.

As we age, there is also bound to be loss as friends and family age and inevitably cross over. What used to be a huge gathering during holidays and special occasions begins to dwindle, and many will suddenly become part of the nearly 50% of elderly people who feel isolated and alone. Then, when coupled with the physical ailments of aging, which are made worse by feelings of loneliness, emotional issues can turn into a disaster and depression can easily set in.

But now, in an inspiring innovation, elderly Seattle residents are finding a new lease on life with a project that integrates preschool and aged care facilities, bringing children and elderly residents together for variety of activities like music, dancing, art, storytelling and socializing.
