Empathy is the ability to recognize and feel other peoples emotions. Sympathy is feeling compassion for other people. Often times to be an “empath” means that you are absorbing much of the pain and suffering in your environment, which can sacrifice your won ability to function at a high level.
If you have every been in a room with a negative person, you know just how toxic their energy can be. Learning to stop absorbing other people’s energies is such a great spiritual skill to have. Here are five ways to stop absorbing other people’s energy.
1) Remember, you can’t please everyone
If someone is bullying you, complaining about you, or dissing you, do not make it your mission to try to convince that person to like you. This will only suck you deeper into that energy field and will make you energetically dependent on their opinion of you.
Not everyone is going to like you. Everyone on earth is living here for a different purpose. By loving yourself first, you will create a forcefield around other peoples opinions that will protect you from being so drained by their opinions.