How the TPP is Going to Affect You

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By Makia Freeman
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) is another elite power grab giving multinational corporations more control. Learn the 5 key ways it will affect you.

The TPP moved one step closer to becoming law in the US after the Senate voted last month to give Fast Track authority to President Barack Obama. The TPP however must really be considered as 1 of 3 mega treaties designed to give unprecedented control of the world’s trade to giant multinationals including the Big Pharma and Big Biotech companies. The other 2 parts of this takeover are the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) and the TISA (Trade in Services Agreement); together the TTP, TTIP and TISA form the 3 T-Treaties that would cement the corporatocracy as our global ruler. Obama will now be able to finalize all three of these deals without the further input or assessment by the US Congress.
