How to Train Your Brain to Be More Creative, Insightful and Inspired

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HJ: Creativity, insight and inspiration are the products of habit, not chance or luck.  Like sowing seeds in a garden, you must plant the seeds of creative inspiration in your life and particularly in your brain.  And furthermore these can be planted by adopting certain mindsets and ways of viewing the world and approaching life.  In fact, there is an entire science of modeling these traits from the worlds most successful and/or creative people — it’s called Neuro Linguistic Programming (or NLP for short) and it is very powerful.

Either way you go about it, the article below is a quick, powerful primer on how to train you brain to quickly get in touch with your creativity, insight and inspiration and make it an integral and effortless part of your day to day life.

- Truth

Insightful Thinking: How to Do It

You can learn how to be more creative.

By William R. Klemm, D.V.M, Ph.D. | Psychology Today
