How We Are Literally The Universe

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We are the universe.  We hear this all the time and it usually gives us a warm feeling of connectivity inside, but what does this really mean?  How can we make sense of this with our rational minds?

There are many ways to explain how we are all connected to one another and how we are all one with each other, but there are only a few main ways in which we can understand how we are literally the whole universe in the truest sense.  Here is how we are literally the universe:

1. We are the universe from a quantum perspective

At the surface level, we are human beings in two totally different areas of space.  But what goes in to making a human being? Molecules. Which are made of atoms. Which are made of subatomic particles like electrons combined with empty space. Which are made of quarks.  Which are made of vibrating strings within the Unified Field.
