Huge Victory For Wolves In Idaho Wilderness! Woohoo!!

Ra-Raela's picture

Earthjustice - Because the Earth needs a good lawyer.

Dear Reader


We just had a huge victory for Idaho wolves!

Thanks to the support of people like you, Earthjustice went to court to stop Idaho from exterminating the Golden and Monumental wolf packs in central Idaho’s Frank Church—River of No Return Wilderness.

And we won! The Idaho Department of Fish and Game announced that it is halting its wolf extermination program as of today.

This will stop the wolf killings and restore the natural balance between predator and prey in the Idaho wilderness area.

A howling wolf in the snow. (Judilen / istockphoto)
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This fight in Idaho is just the latest battle in our efforts to protect wolves across the country. Our work is far from over.

We are still fighting to stop the brutal wolf killings in Wyoming, oppose the elimination of Endangered Species Act protections for wolves across nearly the entire United States, and secure laws governing wolf management that will ensure real wolf recovery.

And none of this work is possible without you!

Thank you for continuing to stand by us as we fight to protect our wildlife and our wildlands.



Tim Preso picture

Tim Preso
Managing Attorney
Northern Rockies Office

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This will have positive effects on the environment.....

sharethegoodness's picture

Good news for the environment as well! Studies in areas where native wild dogs were allowed the live without interference shows that vegetation around water sources regenerates - keeping the water sources healthier as a result because the herbivores have to keep an eye out as they always have while drinking then move on, not munch the vegetation to the ground around the water after having a drink, because the top predator has been removed. The same has been found in Australia with dingoes left alone on the very large cattle properties, the vegetation around water holes regenerate resulting in better water quality. And by not taking out the older alpha dogs in the pack, there are less attacks on stock as the alphas keep the adolescent dogs in line - it has been documented that without this 'adult guidance' the younger dogs run amuck, behaving as delinquents, killing anything they can - which forces the farmers to take measures to address the problem. Also, funnily enough, on these large cattle stations that leave the dingoes alone not only have fewer attacks on stock, but the dingoes seem to focus more on kangaroos or feral pests like rabbits, which also benefits the farmers. Our ecosystems need healthy, functional packs of top predators for the system itself to function properly. Of course this works well on larger scale as it gives them room to establish a suitable sized territory for the pack, like on the very large farms or ranches or national park areas. We just need to learn how best to work with them without danger to them or us.

Amazing how the Planet

will's picture

Amazing how the Planet balances itself out naturally when humans stop interfering.

This will have a positive effect....

Ra-Raela's picture

I wish every rancher could read your comment. Seems people are so ignorant of what really goes on in nature. All they see is the dollar signs, which make them short sighted. I just found out that the Federal Gov. wants to dump thousands of pounds of a lethal poison on the prairie to kill prairie dogs. The poison is slow acting and painful. The other animals on the prairie will eat them before they die, also succumbing to this poison. Another short sighted attempt to please ranchers, who complain about the critters. So, another fight is on. Btw., we still need to be vigilant about the wolf management in other states. The fact that the wolf has been taken off the endangered species list, has had devastating effects on wolf populations everywhere.

That is sad to hear about the

sharethegoodness's picture

That is sad to hear about the planned poisoning. Of course it happens everywhere now. Makes me wonder though...... which predator has has it's numbers decimated enough for the Prairie Dog population to get so out of control? Kyotes and maybe some of the big cats... as well as wolves? The eagle, owl, falcon and the other predator bird populations are probably not what they used to be either. The result is imbalance which requires sensitive and intelligent long term solutions, not knee jerk reactions that don't even consider the wide scale ramifications. As it is the very predators that eat the Prairie Dogs that will be ultimately affected.... it will only make the problem worse. We can only hope and focus on a world in the future where that kind of near sighted, 'shoot- ourselves-in -the -foot'  thinking no longer prevails.

That is sad...

Ra-Raela's picture

I totally agree with what you are saying. Things are so out of balance right now, because some people who are in ego, only look at the Earth selfishly, and can't think past their own noses. Thankfully, there are more and more human beings now, who can see the writing on the wall, and they fight mightily for Gaia. Without them, this wolf tragedy would have gone down, and all wolves would have been killed.