The Human Heart – The Origin of Light and Life

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The Human Heart - The Origin of Light & Life

By Dr. Fahad Basheer

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

DNA is an extremely long chain of molecules that contains all the information necessary for the life functions of a cell. It helps in carrying information from generations to generations and also helps in the production of proteins that are essential for growth and development of the human body.

The individual molecules that make up DNA are called nucleotides. There are only four nucleotides that are ever used: Adenine, Thymidine, Guanine and Cytosine. These nucleotides are made up of atoms like Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, phosphorous and Oxygen.

The quantum physics have discovered that our universe is made 99.999% energy and 0.0001% matter. It is now proven that even the atoms in our DNA are nothing but energy. Each atom of the DNA is made up of unique energy which codes a specific set of information within it.
