Human Rights Attorneys Have Been Working with German Politicians on Asylum for Snowden

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Common Dreams - 10/31/13, Kevin Gosztola
Published on Thursday, October 31, 2013 by FireDogLake


Jesselyn Radack reading a statement from Edward Snowden at the “Stop Watching Us” rally against mass surveillance in DC on October 26. (Credit: FDL)


Human rights attorneys have been discussing the possibility of asylum for former NSA contractor Edward Snowden with left-wing politicians in Germany. The plan being developed involves giving testimony in an official government setting on recent revelations, such as the fact that the United States spied on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cellphone. In return, he would be given asylum.

Jesselyn Radack, an attorney and national security and human rights director of the Government Accountability Project, confirmed the above details as part of an exclusive for Firedoglake. She noted that this news, although premature, had leaked on Twitter by an “unidentified” source.



