Humanity... get off your knees and Get Love on Fire

glr_Andrea's picture



Hmmm... thinks start getting hot on Planet Earth. As they were supposed to. As it has been foreseen, told and shared by every prophecy, spiritual Being, Human Being, tale, Message. EveryOne has been prepared for this Moment of Now. Though Now it seems few are truly Ready for the Moment. 



All have shared that when the Real Truth would come to the surface... it would be a BIG surprise for everyOne, now that the surprises start being delivered, humanity is surprised. Amazing...!
Though what did you expect? To suddenly get to the supermarket and buy a can of the New Planet? "Please, an ounce of 5d for me"? That's not the way Reality works, and it's not the way we co-Create. Co-Creation implies that all get together and envision, feel and transform. How can it be done alone? And how can it be done by not looking at what HAS to be transformed in the first place? 
What does it mean to Be Love? Does it equal to be stupid? Or dumb? Does it mean playing a game of "I pretend?" Or does Love equal Truth? For if you're afraid of looking at things as they are then you're not looking at them in Love but simply going on with the old paradigm of illusion where you choose not to acknowledge what is going on and put your head in the sand. No difference from what has happened on this Plant for long enough to establish a vibrational system all claim they want to get rid of: an illusion. 
Love has no fears, and Love knows that Truth has to be spoken and that Truth has to Be in order for Love to BE. And here, there's no but, and no if!
Love calls a spade a spade, always! 
You cannot pretend to Love anyOne if you're not able to tell them the Truth. Being an old paradigm "nice" person in order to not upset anyone is the reason why this Planet is where it is. Love does not need to be nice, Love Is and Loves no matter what, Love sees behind the masks and goes deep into the Being. And Love... calls the mask out! If it does not... it's not Love.
So Lightworkers... if you hear that one of the so called minion members did "that and that" you're not surprised, but if you find out that a lightworker did "something"... you don't accept it... interesting!
And could you tell me where the difference is? Where's the difference between one group telling that his group is the best and protecting it in front of evidence and...telling that his group is the best and protecting it in front of evidence and...telling that his group is the best and protecting it in front of evidence and...telling that his group is the best and protecting it in front of evidence and... Can you see it? Can you see any Change in this?
Love does not care in which "faction" you're in, Love sees all equal as all ARE equal. Only masks are different as they hold separation. And calling out separation is Love's job! And it does it well. 
If you wonder how to recognize Love, here's a simple trick. Love opens the Door to Truth, and when the Truth has come out Love lets it go and embraces Love. If the minion head would go to Love and say "Love, please, let me in, I'd like to Be You", Love would burst out in tears and embrace its son/daughter that finally came Home to him-Self! But until it's not Love, it's fear(illusion) as there are no in-between. And Love will call illusion out forever. 
So if you really Love someOne, and you see this someOne is in fear, illusion, ego, program or whatever you'd like to call it, Love him or her by Being the Truth You Are. Be Home(Love) and open the Door. That's all you can Be. Stepping into is a choice you cannot make for anyOne. 
But please, stop being "nice"! Politics is full enough of diplomacy and nice (BS) words that mean nothing.
Want to see a difference? Brilliant. BE the Difference. BE Love.
Call out illusion so that the True BEing BE-comes Free to stand up!
All My Love, Andrea




glr_Andrea's picture

All On Board Shipmate RA

To be or not to be...

estherpap's picture

Dear Andrea - thank you for sharing. Nice does not equal love...great message. I could feel my heart beat quickening as I read your words. Becoming the living embodiment of truth and releasing the illusion is where the rubber meets the road everyday. This came today at a perfect time for me as I continue to be in a situation with a daughter who will not speak to me for this very reason. My heart remains open in perfect love and truth regardless of what is happening in this illusion.

Thank you for your love and service :-)
