~ Humanity: Our only Choice (and all I want) Is Unity ~

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~ Humanity: Our only Choice (and all I want) Is Unity ~


by Galactic Love Reporter Gregory von Haesler on December 17, 2011


Our survival truly depends on it. It’s not too difficult to surmise the implications of a warring species vs. a species that helps each-other. The species that get along the most flourish the most. Humans are no exception. I believe society can do two things: Flourish, or Not Flourish.


We see the obvious evidence of a non-flourishing society. Destroyed Economy, Perverse Politicians, & Massive Combat. That’s how you don’t run a world. Love to them though, they have shown us how to properly run a world. The negative elite has empowered the realization and awakening towards what we should not do. We can’t run from our needs anymore. We have to grow up & get along. Our Unity is Our Survival. People, we must be humble and work together. Society & Governance can be a harmonious and wonderful thing. Simply put, everything has it’s purpose. Government can be the ultimate tool towards manifesting a sensitive ideal. Government can be the ultimate strength towards nourishing a truly philanthropic society. Government can empower people to be peaceful. We need Government to do this. We need a new economy. We need restoration of the natural balance. We need the return of order in this world. No more order from chaos! Let’s put our heads together and start working towards peaceful solutions. We don’t need bloodshed. Our need for combat with each-other is based in fallacious hubris. Let’s move on. Let’s begin working towards our Global Unification Ideal. So what if bad things are happening. That only further reinforces the necessity for growth in a positive direction. We HAVE to come together. We MUST love one another. What are our governments for? Empowering the people! We should utilize our governments for a positive purpose. Let us unite and stop dividing. We can be free and we now have the privilege to do so humanely. We’ve come a long way and we have grown up. We have the experience to combine our ruler-ship positions in such a way to harmonize and make society something which inspires what we can call the divine. For what else can we call the truest ideal – the one of unconditional love? We truly need that idealism once again. The inspiration that drives us forth into amazing concepts of philanthropy. There is no running from it.


I feel no shame in saying I hope the people & the governments of the world can find a peaceful solution. Why can’t the truest revolution be the one where everyone finally gets along? Why can’t we actually just realize who we are. We can. We can get sober and start marching as one being. We’ve done it before and we can do it again. We need the knowledge of our oneness. We need to scientifically confirm this. We are and we will. Our unification is the future. I think the planet has seen enough war & violence. I seek the solution quickly. Let the people & the government forgive each-other and work together again. A solution must be had!

There are good people in all the lands. Even the countries most embroiled with elitist New World Order pressure. Being a born american, I know the deepest corruption. My trials have shown me that there is such a strong push just as well from people in governments to expose these injustices. There are people In the New World Order who are against the negative aspects of it. There are good men and women in there who are aspiring for a better world. My life is still here because of these people. I thank them.


God wants us to figure this out. God wants us to hold hands once again. God is alive and has always been aware of what is going on. God is here and god is in every single one of us.

In the White Light of the Divine

Gregory Matthew von Haesler



Great Thoughts

ellion's picture

Its great to read someone who is stepping out and expresses themselves. Thanks Gregory for contributing your voice for Us All...


Love and Peace,


Love Is All