Lia's picture
Hi everyone, just got this now sitting by the beach, so here i share it.

Your Earths tells its unique story and journey in creation through the millennia of your time, history with many a great spiritual teachers, way showers of Creators light and love. Some came through the birthing process do do their work, others travel from many star systems from your past and future, some directly from the spirit realms. They have always worked in service with Creators divine plan for Earth. Blessed you are for taking assignment on Earth, you fell asleep and now your wonderous self awakens in to the state of being in your heart.

11:11:11 has arrived, the great cosmic time keepers cycle within a cycle within a cycle and so on is now moving in to alignment on a grand astronomical/astrological dance of the cosmos. Your localized heavenly body's are lining up with the elliptical plane of your milky way galaxy in conjunction with a grand cycle of your suns great revolution of 26,000 years and a complete revolutionary cycle of our Galaxy..... It's a triple whammy. The next 13 months to 21:12:12 is a collective divine timing of Gia and those partaking with her creation experience are graduating with the completion of your work in the ending 'quarantine' of your planet in lower planes of existence.

Your wondrous growth and knowledge throughout your partaking/expressions of self as soul, as DNA encoders and activators, the great song and dance in the orchestra of the universe. You are unconditional love, light, form, energy in action of being and the intelligence that is All that is, the Creator, God, divine universal loving intelligence inherent in all that ever was, is and will be, and so it is.

Congratulations Earth and Earth Humanity, welcome home, your Galactic, Angelic soul family's await you in the higher creational realms, they are many and stand in waiting behind the door you and spaceship Earth are now opening to walk through.

