Hunterdon environmentalists join anti-fracking protest in Washington, D.C.

Rain's picture
Published: Monday, July 30, 2012, 2:05 PM
Updated: Monday, July 30, 2012, 2:22 PM
By Hunterdon County Democrat

Anti-fracking march on Washington, DC 2012


WASHINGTON, D.C. — An estimated 5,000 people rallied at the Capitol and marched to the headquarters of the American Petroleum Institute on July 28 to protest hydraulic fracturing — a method of extracting natural gas from shale deposits that some people blame for polluting water and harming the health of people who live near the wells.

The process, dubbed “fracking,” involves drilling a thousand feet below the surface and an equal distance laterally to inject a soup of chemicals and water into the ground. The pressure fractures the shale and releases natural gas trapped inside.

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