www.expectwonderful.com - Nov. 1, 2013
Hello Luminous Being,
New Codes of Creation are being transmitted to us from the Great Central Sun. They are being received by our sun and impulsed to us. The Solar Eclipse this Sunday will transmit new codes for creation to Earth, further empowering Earth's ascension and our own upliftment into more and more embodied light.
These codes give an infusion to our collective and individual consciousness, inviting a remembering of our eternal-ness. Combined with the Lunar Eclipse energies of bliss, Sunday's solar eclipse will propel us into reflections of purpose, self-expression, strongly urging us to bring our life into alignment. NOW.
When the Earth completed it's shift into a 5th dimensional expression last December, 2012, New Harmonics of Creation were released into our Earthly experience. Earth, which had long been in a very contained sphere energetically, existing in duality, was now open for connection and participation on a galactic scale.
This year, of recalibrating to these new energies has been demanding and hard. Much harder then many of us expected. We are, however, growing in capacity. Now with the entrainment to the bliss energies and the New Harmonics continuing to expand in the collective and in our individual fields of presence, big stuff is starting to open up.
Sunday, we have a New Moon and a Solar Eclipse, and this eclipse "is known as a hybrid eclipse. When it first occurs, it will be in the annular form, which is also known as a ring eclipse. At this point, the moon is not quite big enough to fully cover the sun, so it leaves what's known as a ring of fire around its periphery. But as the eclipse moves east, the curvature of the Earth makes the moon appear larger, and by the time the eclipse gets to central Africa, the moon will cover the sun entirely."
The energy is already being felt by many and will certainly be big. Staying calm and using the momentum to SET INTENTIONS and ENVISION and FEEL what you want to manifest are great ways to use this time.