~ I AM PRESENCE 13/20 Key Codes ~

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~Artists Connecting In With Humanity~


I AM PRESENCE 13/20 Key Codes


By Love Reporter Doug Feese



A Capricorn: GOD the MOTHER Create Substance Earth

Doorway of GOD the SON. (Scorpio G. Maintain Flow)
Spirit Root of ETERNAL LIGHT of GOD. (Aries C. Create Code)
Spirit/Mind connection of ETERNAL SON of GOD. (Saggittarrius Ab. Transform Code)
Mind/Body connection of "Begotten" SON of GOD (Libra F#. Create Connection)
Mid Heaven. EVENT HORIZON of FAITH/FACT SON of GOD. (Cancer Eb. Create Flow)

B Picses: SON/FATHER of GOD Transform Flow Water

Doorway of GOD the MOTHER. (Capricorn A Create Substance)
Spirit Root of CENTER/INNER SON of GOD. (Gemini D. Transform Connection)
Spirit/Mind connection of FAITH/FACT SON of GOD. (Aquarius Bb. Maintain Connection)
Mind/Body connection of ETERNAL SON of GOD. (Saggittarrius Ab Transform Code)
Mid Heaven. EVENT HORIZON of GOD the FATHER. (Virgo F. Transform Substance)

C Aries: ETERNAL LIGHT of GOD. Original Pattern Create Code Fire

I AM Doorway of FAITH/FACT SON of GOD. (Aquarius Bb. Maintain Connection)
Spirit Root of CREATOR SON of GOD. (Leo E. Maintain Code)
Spirit/Mind connection of SON/FATHER of GOD. (Picses B)
Mind/Body connection of GOD the MOTHER. (Capricorn A Create Substance)

Mid Heaven. EVENT HORIZON of "begotten" SON of GOD. (Libra F#. Create Connection)

D Gemini: CENTER/INNER SON of GOD. Fire and Air Transform Connection Air

Doorway of ETERNAL LIGHT of GOD. (Aries C. Original Pattern Create Code)
Spirit Root of CREATOR SON of GOD. (Leo E. Maintain Codes)
Spirit/Mind connection of FAITH/FACT SON of GOD. (Taurus Db. Maintain Substance)
Mind/Body connection of SON/FATHER of GOD. (Picses B. Transform Flow)
Mid Heaven. EVENT HORIZON of ETERNAL SON of GOD. (Saggittarrius Ab. Transform Code)

E Leo: CREATOR SON of GOD. Maintain Codes Fire

Doorway of CENTER/INNER SON of GOD. (Gemini D. Transform Connection)
Spirit Root of GOD the SON. (Scorpio G. Maintain Flow)
Spirit/Mind connection of FAITH/FACT SON of GOD. (Cancer Eb. Create Flow)
Mind/Body connection of FAITH/FACT SON of GOD. (Taurus Db. Maintain Substance)
Mid Heaven. EVENT HORIZON of FAITH/FACT SON of GOD (Aquarius Bb. Maintain Connection)

F Virgo: GOD the FATHER Transform Substance Earth

Doorway of FAITH/FACT SON of GOD. (Cancer Eb. Create Flow)
Spirit Root of ETERNAL SON OF GOD. (Saggittarrius Ab. Transform Codes)
Spirit/Mind connection of CREATOR SON of GOD. (Leo E. Maintain Codes)
Mind/Body connection of CENTER/INNER SON of GOD. (Gemini D. Transform Connection)

G Scorpio: GOD the SON Maintain Flow Water


I AM Doorway of GOD the FATHER. (Virgo F. Transform Substance) Spirit Root of FAITH/FACT SON of God (Aquarius Bb Golden Age Maintain Connection)

Spirit/Mind connection of "Begotten" SON of GOD. (Libra F#. Create Connection)

Mind/Body connection of CREATOR SON of God (Leo E. Maintain Codes)

Mid Heaven EVENT HORIZON of FAITH/FACT SON of GOD. (Taurus Db. Maintain Substance)

Bb Aquarius: Faith/Fact Son of God. Golden Age Maintain Connection Air

Doorway of Eternal Son of God. (Saggittarrius Ab. Transform Codes)
Spirit Root of Faith/Fact Son of God. (Taurus Db. Maintain Substance)
Spirit/Mind connection of God the Mother. (Capricorn A. Create Substance)
Mind/Body connection of God the Son. (Scorpio G. Maintain Flow)
Mid Heaven. EVENT HORIZON of Creator Son of God. (Leo E. Maintain Codes)

Eb Cancer: Faith/Fact Son of God Create Flow Water

Doorway of Faith/Fact Son of God. (Taurus Db. Maintain Substance)
Spirit Root of "begotten" Son of God. (Libra F#. Create Connection)
Spirit/Mind connection of Center/Inner Son of God. (Gemini D Transform Connection)
Mind/Body connection of Eternal Light of God (Aries C. Create Codes)
Mid Heaven. EVENT HORIZON of God the Mother. (Capricorn A. Create Substance)
Ab Saggittarrius: Eternal Son of God. Transform Codes Fire

Doorway of "begotten" Son of God. (Libra F#. Create Connection)
Spirit Root of Son/Father. (Picses B. Transform Flow)
Spirit/Mind connection of God the Son. (Scorpio G. Maintain Flow)
Mind/Body connection of God the Father. (Virgo F. Transform Substance)
Mid Heaven. EVENT HORIZON of Center/Inner Son of God. (Gemini D. Transform Connection)

Db Taurus: Faith/Fact Son of God Maintain Substance Earth

Doorway of Son/Father of God. (Picses B. Transform Flow)
Spirit Root of Creator Son of God. (Leo E. Maintain Codes)
Spirit/Mind connection of Eternal Light of God. (Aries C. Create Codes)
Mind/Body connection of Faith/Fact Son of God. (Aquarius Bb. Golden Age. Maintain Connection)
Mid Heaven. EVENT HORIZON of God the Son. (Scorpio G. Maintain Flow)

F# Libra: "begotten" Son of God. Create Connection Air

Doorway of Creator Son of God. (Leo E. Maintain Codes)
Spirit Root of God the Mother. (Capricorn A. Create Substance)
Spirit/Mind connection of God the Father. (Virgo F. Transform Substance)
Mind/Body connection of Faith/Fact Son of God. (Cancer Eb Create Flow)
Mi Heaven. EVENT HORIZON OF Eternal Light of God (Aries C. Create Codes)
