From I to Us

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As we found out in Spirit Science 4 and in the Human History movie: we are moving as a consciousness from a head focused species into a heart centered awareness.  We want to take some time to explore what that means, what it looks like, and how we are naturally shifting from expressing from our heads alone to our hearts as we love and nurture ourselves and the world around us.

What is the I?

Self, Ego, Mind, Separation, Solo, Lone Wolf,  Me mentality

This is the part of us that is pridefully independent.  Even when we need help we struggle to ask for it.  There is a sense of separation, independence and lack of general connections with others, or acknowledgment of  our own emotions.  As you can see in this state we are not only feeling separate from others but we are feeling separate from ourselves.

What does that look like?

Overly Analytical, logical without regard to emotion or flow, compromising, assuming, telling yourself negative stories, Critical, Limiting
