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poem by AnaShyNa Love Reporter Predrag


Do you feel is there anything wrong with this question?


I BELIVE there is nothing wrong to this question. Only difference is in the answers you are going to give to your self.


If you have even a slight doubt that you can't take this responsibility in your hands, this is giving you great answer who you really are. If you do not even dare to answer this question, you probably think about yourself following:

ï‚· THAT you are not fully entitled to take this title of Godlikeness even for a couple of moments of your life;

THAT you rather give others your life to make any and all decisions "necessary" for You;

ï‚· THAT you are not brave enough to start Loving Yourself, even for a short moment;

ï‚· THAT your mind and emotions are actually not Yours at all;

THAT you are not imaginative enough to be able to solve any situation for all Humanity here on Earth;

ï‚· THAT, maybe, you could bring some of the answers to the front, and write them down, but only as anonymous;

THAT your answers are not technically advanced or SPIRITUALLY sophisticated;

THAT all your "PRIVATE" thoughts should stay private, as others could ridicule you, starting from family to unknowns on internet;

THAT you do not want to be stripped of only private thing, your very private and secretive thought;

ï‚· THAT even you share these thoughts, you will realize there are millions of souls, all over the internet with almost IDENTICAL THOUGHT, THOUGHT OF SOLUTION;

THAT even all members of your family have the same THOUGHT;

ï‚· THAT all the people all over the WORLD have the same THOUGHT;



Than, suddenly it clicked within your HEART. Not your brain, but within your HEART. Some strange energy gave you a nudge and courage. You find your own-self sitting at the computer and start writing from within, directly from WITHIN your HEART:




but ... wait ... I already LOVE US ALL, UNCONDITIONALLY.  




Here is Predrag's [AnaShyNa] Bio:


I love you My Dear Mother God and Father God. I am so grateful for this opportunity to share.

Dear Friends of Light, Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This yellow ribbon is my constant reminder for cancer I diminished from my body [it was only me], and experienced that only by helping others to overcome fear of self doubt is only way to acknowledging that you are sole creator of any and all illnesses, is it from this life or from previous ones.

I had surgery to remove lymph node on my neck, which was only temporary solution, but later when this reappear on 6 different spots through this body, i took healing in my own hands, with faith in Father God, our Ultimate Creator.
Through Acupuncture, Chi Gong, Yoga, BioEnergy and Spiritual Healing with help of couple of very pure souls that showed up on my path [Fadi, Nenad, Fernanda, Miroslav, Dr. Way, Paul, Darko, Tito, Mia, Alex, Sunny Stella] I realized that I am creator of my own reality, so I made conscious choice to be healthy, by helping others, I was giving my self incredibly genuine love.
This will be all elaborated very soon, as these new Golden ages are at our doorstep, where we are introducing Karmic energies cleansing and Rejuvenation Commands starting in next couple of weeks.
I do not know how and how fast, but I know it is coming.

Perfect health and eternal Youth [depending what age your soul has choose to have when Ascension happened, you will be going back to your "Original" age after these two commands are issued.

For more details follow the links on my side bar, or go directly to this one.
Please, observe news about some very magical healings that will start simultaneously happening through the world, very strategically placed.
You will hear miracle of rejuvenation from 80 year olds to 34, or complete disappearance of MS symptoms over night, or Limbs start growing again, or Alzemhimer patients regaining full conciseness and giving you messages from other side of the veil, or beings who's life was fully attached to the chair, start walking and running, again and again, or blinds start seeing and driving spaceships, or deaf start hearing and begin singing.

This beautifully planned Game of Life on Planet Earth, planed by your own soul, and by our Prime Creator, our Father~Mother God, Billions of earthly years ago. Even before this planet has been created.

Where we will ....
We will experience return of christ consciousness. The Radiant One.
We will experience conciseness shift from service to ourself, to service to others only.
We will experience FIRST CONTACT with our Brothers and Sisters from different Universes.
We will experience uplifting of Atlantis and its continent arising.
We will experience Aghartans, our mates from Inner Earth, in all their bluish beauty and hight.
We will experience Total Financial and ego Collapse of Darkies.
We will experience Total Debt Forgiveness for on and all. For All Governments and for each of us.
We will experience Prosperity Funds for one and all. Equally. Beautifully.
We will experience 6 Governments with one goal. To serve its people.
We will experience new technologies. But not so new, as Nikola TEsla gave this to us 100 years ago. We simply did not use them.
We will experience LOVE. Pure LOVE pouring from the SUN and STARS, pouring from Centre of COSMOS, from our PRIME CREATOR.

Read some of my following posts, which will give you a lot of details about preparation for Ascension.
Welcome to Galactic Human Beings, the unique ones who will carry our physical body in this new 5th Density and higher.
You will see us teaching these two commands to all others, who decide by their free will to have faith in their own choice.
You only need FREE CHOICE.

Please read my older posts, as they revealing a lot of my inner thoughts and feelings. Pay attention on message, not on messenger. As I am just here to bring message about this most beautiful gift from Prime Creator, message of LOVE.

With Love and Nothing more, ANASHYNA (The bringer of the word of source or the divine.) by SPIRIT'S words.


Very unorthodox writer, and Canadian Independent film & music maker, giving you a glimpse of our future as he feels it. His completely "imaginary" world is filled with common SuperHumans, strange Extraterrestrial species, Archangels, Light Beings, Faries, Telepathic Dolphins, Ascended Planets, Ascended Masters, Planets as fully consciousness beings, unlimited traveling, instant healing, Way-showers, Crystal Children, LightWorkers, Mother God and Father God as ONE ...
His Scientific background only helped him to develop more Experiential Fiction and Love story lines, and less to be stuck in present boring theories that will be obsolete in very near future. Our humane view on time, space, energy, death, history, universe, extraterrestrials and GOD will be completely remodeled to much simpler understanding. Only Through Love. Unconditional Love.
If you need some more earthly writings I can provide you as well.

With Love, AnaShyNa

