The Importance of a Kidney Cleansing Diet

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By Dr. Edward F. Group

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The importance of a kidney cleansing diet cannot be overemphasized. Flushing out your kidneys keeps them functioning at their best. Healthy kidneys are essential to a variety of body functions. Your kidneys help detoxify your blood by removing toxic compounds and passing them out through the urine. If blood cleansing becomes impeded, toxins can remain and circulate throughout the body to cause harm.

The Function of the Kidneys

Healthy kidneys help manage body fluid stability by regulating the balance of sodium and water. The kidneys also manage the balance between alkalinity and acidity, and they regulate the hormones and enzymes responsible for controlling blood pressure. In addition, as mentioned previously, your kidneys help filter out toxins that build up in response to diet and the environment.
