~Important, Get Into Your Heart~ and Move Forward

Lia's picture

Link to Today's Newsletter: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/important-get-your-heart

Greetings Love Beings, its going to get tougher and tougher for those in the programming ego mind. This is the Reality and Assistance for Everyone is Available here at the GFP!  Here is a Quote from Emmanuel from His Post about September and the Ego!

"Passing the Baton On an energetic level, there is a ‘passing of the baton’ occurring from the collective ego to the collective heart. The collective ego is exhausted. We can clearly see it all over the world. The ego is realizing that it simply cannot survive in the old destructive patterns of control, domination and separation that it partook of and found great comfort in for so long. It’s important to remember that we learned great lessons from these old patterns, but we no longer need to keep recreating them in order to receive the lessons. We are ready to move on.
During this time of ‘passing of the baton,’ things appear to be quite chaotic because the collective ego is having to graduate from a rigid state of existence into a flexible and open state of existence. So as a result of this transition, the ego has a tendency to go into freak-out mode.
This turnover can feel scary to the ego because it’s not used to change and it fears losing its identity in the process. So the ego is trying to firmly grip onto what little it still can of its old ways. This is showing up through fear tactics that the governments, big businesses, media and religious sects are making use of to try to keep humanity separated from its true nature. Now more than ever, we must not be distracted by the outside noise......

PS Events In the 5d Room All begin at 11:00am pacific At this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress