“The Moment Has Come to Be In Love, With Everything”
“If you are not completely in Love with Everything, this is an indicator that you are still in illusion. If you are Completely in Love with Everything, this means you are In Total Presentness, You are Awake and in True Reality. There is no in between, you are In Love with Everything or nothing.” Ding....
“All the memories and emotions you have stuffed into your body Holograms are energies that cannot go into High Velocity Energy=Higher Thoughts. This is Where Every Human Being is Going Currently, into the Higher Energy Vibrations, So that You Can Meet Your Family!! These are now being released within all of Your Chakras. This will also adjust Mother Earth's Chakras as Well, and She Will Feel Better, Ready or Not.”
Love from The Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom~Company of Heaven. From Galactic Central. We are Your Family of Light from the Stars, Here in the Physical Manifest With ALL of you, as WE Walk Together Back into The Light. WE are Your Ground Crew, Earth ALLIES, for First Contact. WE Have Successfully Made it to the Vibrational Frequencies that are in Match with The Ship's Frequencies, which are Simply Love. WE just happen to Be in Body Holograms Here in the Physical, To Reach out Our Hearts and Hands to you With Love and Support. Thank you for Honoring Our Presence Here with You, AS we Honor Your True Presence in Honor of the Love you Really Are.
“We have access to all the Real Records aboard the Ships. Jesus never said he was coming back, what he did tell you, that was changed in your current bible text, was “Our Mother and Father are Coming, Get Ready.” The Truth Now is that We have Shown UP, WE are Here on Planet Earth=Heart With You. Jesus is just as Much our Son as President Obama and Each of you are Also Equal as Our Sons and Daughters of God.”
“There is a Pure Consciousness Energy Permeating throughout Everything on and in the Planet. If you are Connected in, You Will Feel it and Experience this.”
Greetings Love Beings We are In Some Very Exiting and for some maybe Uncomfortable Moments of the Ascension Process. WE are In the Process of Releasing all density within our Body Holograms. This is Occurring through the Chakra System [associated with Your Glands], as well as you activating some Chakras that Are Just Now Opening. The total is about 13 major Chakras. What is occurring is any emotions or memories you may have stuffed into your systems through any of these Chakras, are Being Removed. It, The density, only acts as dead weight, such as an anchor tying down a boat. So Right Now in Every Human Being on Planet Earth=Heart, these Chakras are Spinning. They may be aware or unaware, which is regardless, it's happening anyway. So, what the Chakras are releasing is all the pain from the 2d, density [and you might feel this pain physically through each gland/ Chakra.] What is Occurring is a Natural Process in Evolution. This is Not a Controllable Experience, it's a Sequence of Natural Events, occurring from the INSIDE, OUT. This is through your DNA Frequency Codes, that are Within Every Soul, its unstoppable and irreversible. The Ascension Process is in Full Force, and no one is in Control, Except For Love. We Suggest Relaxing, and Breathing as Good Tools, Feel the Vibrational Energies Coming, of Love and Pure Atoms of This Love. Through this is Also How you Connect into the Ship's Energy. Take a Moment Right Now, Sit for a Moment, close your eyes, Relax and Breathe in the Atoms of Pure Love Energy, this Will Automatically Connect you with the Ship's Energies. Now, Through this, your Soul is saying and Remembers that Love is the Experience it Really is, and that is all that it is, Love. The Soul wants to Experience more of this Love Feeling, WE did say this was Contagious!! Love IS, Love is Our Natural State, Be Love and Say Love.” Mother and Father God
Breathe By Faith Hill
“Humanity is Going to LIGHT UP, and They Will Like IT. All of you Reading Just have the “Inside Scoop” to all is occurring from the Inside out, and if no one knows it or believes it, Oh Well. Everyone will have their chosen experience, we suggest Choosing Love. As we Have Shared Love is Like a Thief in the Night, it Sneaks up on you where you can no longer hide, because it comes from the inside of you, to the Outside. Now, Was this a Perfect Plan or What? See How Love Occurs in the No Matter What? Right Now, because you Have this Understanding, as You Read these Words, Do you Feel the Contentment and Peace this Love and Truth Offers you? “
“I, Mother God, was once asked along my Path back into the Light about a Statement I made, that Love was all there is. This is what he asked “You are saying to Me that Love is all there is?” And I replied “Yes, Love is all that exists”, then he said to me “What if you're wrong?” and my reply was “What if I am Right? How will that Change Everything, and effect the Whole Planet? Love is the Answer and Love is the Only Solution, and this is the Only Truth, Love.”
“For many of you the Truth, that Father God and I Are Really here in the Manifest with you, is an understanding you have challenges with. For many reasons, one being the Bible. Deliberately much was taken out of the Sacred texts of the Bible, by you know who!! They Portrayed Father God as a Wrath of God that was coming to get everyone, and if they sinned they went to some devil or hell. They only talked about a Father God and not a Mother God, for confusion tactics. They changed around the Bible to instill fear. They knew we were coming, but they thought if they ignored it and made sure it was kept secret from you, it could never happen. Now it has!! Because of the manipulation and dumbing down of the True information, many fantasies and misconceptions about US have developed. The time is Now that all of that is Released, so that We may Move Forward Together. May all fantasies, illusions and Non-Truth, Be Released back into Creation to Be Utilized for the Highest and Greatest Good of ALL, and May WE See Love Reflecting Back to Us, Everywhere We are, For this is The Only True Reality on Planet Earth. And so it is On Earth as it is in Heaven and So it Shall Be as Granted and Decreed.”
Why is Mother and Father God Here in Physical Manifestation?
“We have never been together Here on this Planet[ except for as dolphins], and this is a Historic Event occurring, that Only Can Happen Once. IN fact its been 19 Billion Years We understand so many of you find it unfathomable that we could Possibly be Here in Physical Bodies Walking Around the Planet [We left our White Robes and Halos on the Thrones...LOL] , However, It's US. Everyone in Creation knows who we are at this Point, Except those in Humanity that haven't Awakened yet. With Many of You Awakening Now, This Will change, as You will Be unable to Contain the Joy this Truth Brings To Every Human Living Being. For as Soon as You Wake Up, You have No Doubts or Questions About Who We Really are. Once You Reconnect to your Feeling Centers, You Will Be able to Connect in With Us Directly, the Feeling will be Undeniable, as Your Soul Lets You Know Loud and Clear, It's Mother and Father God. Love Your Self and Then You Will Find Us with You, then Spread the JOY.”
“Those of you that Know We are Here, are Blessed because of this, With Just the simple Truth that you are connected into the Oneness Energy. How did the Oneness Energy, Pure Consciousness Energy get here into the Manifest? It Took All of Us, including Father God and I. In Fact it Could Not Be here Without US, and Nor Without You [Your Higher Selves' Assistance]. So you See, We are all Equally Important, and WE are ALL ONE, in the Oneness Energy.”
The Brick Wall Experience~ Many were led down the path against the Light and Truth by what we call Wolves in sheep's clothing. They will now be Facing up against a Brick wall, as One Path is to the Light and the other....the brick wall experience.
WE Love you with the Highest Love, Honor, and Respect. We Love you Unconditionally. Love Mother and Father God~Amon Ra, Your Family of Light, All the Angels, and The Ground Crew for First Contact. Please share the Truth! Be Love and Say Love.
Join us Live today For a Galactic Love Party and Happy Birthday Celebration for Mother God. This all Begins at 11:30am Pacific! See You there at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress