Important Message from The Earth Allies~ Love is at the Forefront!~ The Final Test

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Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles, Many Magical Synchronostic Events, Joy, Unconditional Love, Peace, Harmony and Many Blessings of Abundance. We, Who are Serving Love and Light are right out in the Open, for All to See and Hear. We are not hiding, The GIG Is Up for THOSE WHO THOUGHT THEY WERE LESS THAN LIGHT SPEED VIBRATION, Love has tipped the scales so To Speak. Love is at the Forefront, and This is Loves Call! Love is in charge, and Everything changes because of this Truth.


Those in Unconsciousness are the ones asleep, lost in the dream. Those Who Are Awake are Very irritating to those that are asleep. Those Who Are Awake, Are the Continual Alarm Clock Going OFF, Beeping, until Others Awaken. The Awakened Ones Are The ‘Wake Up Call’.”


The one thing about ego, is that it is just a program, This is why it always falls back on the being to release the ego mind program and cut the strings of being a puppet. This Sets You Free into Unlimited Possibilities, AHA! Attachmentless. Then You Are Free to Be Who You Are.”


Humanity’s Eyes may be open, but this does not mean they are seeing the Truth. Why? Because they are still looking outside, seeing the shadows and maybe glimpses of the Light. They are trying to make sense of illusion, when illusion does not make sense, and can never make any sense. It’s impossible, because it’s not Real. When Humanity/YOU can See with the Pineal Gland THIRD EYE, then You Can See and Feel True Reality. The Key Word Here is FEEL. Feeling is Your Natural Communication, and Feelings are not emotions.


For so Long, 13 Millenia, Humanity has been given very little. Very little Truth, and a whole lot of nothing. Most of Humanity has based their lives on nothing, thus receiving nothing. We Are Going to Share with You an Example of this. They did a Study on rats. They wanted to see if they could get a rat to push a lever. Every time the Rat pushed the lever they received Food, and pretty soon the rat became bored with this. So they decided to have the lever without any food. So the Rat pushed the lever, and received nothing, and quickly became disinterested in this. So, the next experiment for the rat to push the lever, it intermittently received food, every once in a while. So then the rat, would just keep pushing the lever, because every once in a while it would get some food by doing this. This is Exactly How Humanity has been trained, to be a rat. This is how you have been slaves to the illuminati, the system, the Program. They would give you just enough to keep you serving ignorance. How does this make You feel Now? That you were trained as rats?


The Light does not have to go after the darkness, The Light Just Has to Be Turned ON.”


Once You See You, For Who You Truly Are, Then You Will See Father God and I, and Rejoin Your True Family of Creation. You are Royal Angels, Each of You, and We Love You Unconditionally.”


Father God and I are Here, Present on Planet Earth=Heart. WE are Humanity’s Final Test. Once the Being Recognizes That We are One With Them, They Pass Go and then enter the Higher Dimensions. Until then, they will remain stuck, this is the Reality. The Final Test is The Recognition that You, and All of Humanity, Are One with ALL that Is~ Once You Can Accept US, this Means You Accept the Truth of your Being, The Truth of Who You Are. Then You Graduate, To Enter Heaven on Earth. We are Humanity’s Final Test. Are You Ready?


The Duty and Responsibility of Every Being on this Planet is To Awaken, and then Once you Awaken, Your Duty and Responsibility is to Share this Truth With Others, to Help them Awaken. Sharing The Truth may not always be heard, but your jobs are not to hear for them. It is to Share the Truth With Them.”


The darkness always tries to hide itself behind the scenes. While Love and Light is always out there standing in The Brilliance, out in the Open.”


Love and The Highest Visions Being Set Forth For All of Humanity, are not just wishful thinking. These Are Visions That Are Manifesting, Heaven on Earth. All Highest Thoughts that Serve Love, Always Manifest”



ALL Energy We receive Goes to Serve Love Completely. We Serve Love, SO the Energy Goes towards Love to Be used For the Greater Good of The All. When You Give to Love, You Get Everything and More Back. Which is Unlike serving ignorance, where you get nothing back. Humanity Must Break the slave and oppression syndrome. The only way to break this, is to stop serving IBM [Corporations in General, we will use IBM as an example], where the energy you use with the money not only goes to serve ignorance, but also cannot be blessed! When WE receive Donations we utilize the Energy Into Serving Love. Thank you For Supporting Love, and the Divine Plan so that We can take this Energy and Transform this into Abundance For ALL. Donations can be Made Here !

Love The Earth Allies
