Impulsive M2.4 solar flare peaked at 13:19 UTC AUGUST 17, 2012

glr_Andrea's picture


Impulsive M2.4 solar flare peaked at 13:19 UTC

 AUGUST 17, 2012



23  (M1.0). The flare was centered around a new active region off the northeastern limb. This region is turning into view today. Beg 17/1312 B2.8 Max 17/1319 M2.4 Int 6.9e-03 J m-2 End 17/1323 M1.0 Minor ionization waves are rippling through our planet’s upper atmosphere. NOAA/SWPC issued Minor R1 Radio Blackout...
  • The Watchers















Impulsive M2.4 solar flare peaked at 13:19 UTC on August 17, 2012. The event started at 13:12 (B2.8) and ended at 13:23  (M1.0). The flare was centered around a new active region off the northeastern limb. This region is turning into view today.

