Inaugural New Moon: January 11, 2013

Rain's picture

Source: Exopermaculture - 1/10/13, by


The title for this post comes from a short note my dear old friend and fellow astrologer, Lyn Dalebout, put up on her website. I find her website so beautiful that I think you should go there to get the message.

Meanwhile, let me call attention to the fact that in this January New Moon 2013 since December 21, 2012, Sun, Moon and three other planets briefly join Pluto in Capricorn, which is now ploughing through that sign of the structure of the status quo — pummeling it to shreds before primally pulling regeneration up from the deeps — from 2008 (when the financial tsunami first hit) through 2024.

The mood is, yes, Capricornian: Strict. Unadorned. Willing to work hard.

Be realistic. Get your ducks in a row. Decide what you want to focus on. Set your intention, clearly, resolutely, and in a disciplined manner, proceeding step by step in that direction. Do not expect quick results. Do not expect, period.

And yet, during this New Moon Venus in Capricorn squares Uranus in Aries. So you can expect the unexpected. Open. Open.

Be the change you have been longing for, and the doing will follow, one thing after another, paying close attention to each one thing, each and every moment, and blessing it.

Gratitude opens the doors to universal benevolence. Generosity ensures flow.

