Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We cannot confirm any event for September, cause really its all happening and unfolding now as a series of events! The main message here is why wait! Choose Love Now, cause Love is Moving In and Love is Moving Fast! Love The Earth Allies
HOW FAST ARE WE GOING? In the near future and now, we are not just meeting spacepeople and spacebeings… we are meeting those from the etheric world… the elemental world… the angelic world… dragons… ****beings from other universes****… earth is becoming a place where beings will visit… not unlike both Alcatraz prison, or Calcutta…. or the trenches of a galactic war… to see how the warriors, earth messengers…angels of God, transformed the planet and themselves… in the blink of an eye, entirely into a whole new existence… but not everyone will get that jump unless they have earned it… or requested it… or desire it… it’s about COMPLETE SURRENDER… not sorta, maybe and ‘I’ll watch and wait and see”… with things moving along very very fast, now, I’d say the more energy a person can direct towards this goal, the better… ~30 days to unlock the hold on all physical-based addictions and denials of Divinity?… is this the speed at which we are moving now?… The big event could be early September… Ashtar says overtime ends September… and it’s final… no more extensions… like the one we’ve been riding since December 21, 2012…