Individuality and Limitations of 3D Thinking

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By Bernhard Guenther
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Recently we’ve experienced the last of seven Pluto-Uranus squares. It was quite a ride since the first square of this series occurred in 2012. Personally, it felt like my life was being taken apart, spit out and reassembled, diving into the shadow and bringing it into the light of awareness, integrating unconscious aspects as they were being mirrored back to me in everyday life situations. Something seems to be accelerating in the “field”, I can feel it in my body.

A big shift has happened within myself, which is something that is very hard to put into words – perhaps some of you can relate to this? It’s akin to a new frequency/vibration which has anchored itself, forcing me towards a new approach, encouraging me to let go of outdated belief systems/views, trusting myself more, and engaging with my intuition as I go beyond the limits of the rational/logical mind.
