Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ On November 11th of 2007, 2 weeks before Father God and I Connected which was November 29th 2007. I had an experince where I was initiated into Heaven [ the part in this about co~ creating the new earth is underway NOW and you can put the rest of the pieces together]. This was before I remembered I was MotherGod. I did not remember this Truth until January of 2008. The Following was My Initiation Into Heaven, and Marriage with the Divine and I physically experienced each event in an etheric ceremony which I documented. Wow, it was truly an Amazing Experience which was unforgettable! Everyone will be experiencing this in their own unique way. We felt it was good to give You reference points as many will have similar experiences. Mine was unique to connect with Father God in this Realm. You can just imagine my surprise 2 weeks after this event, when Father God contacted me and said Hi, I am Your Twin Flame, it took me 24 hours to recover.
Written November 11th, 2007
Yesterday I recieved a Gold ring from god.....I was walking Aidan from the park there were cars and people all over and plenty of trees...It felt like he was passing right through me as I was walking....I felt him place it in my heart.....and He told me the following....." With this ring I am giving you the responsibilty to assist in guiding the PLANET and Universe as Earth will become an intergalactic home....where everyone may go anywhere they wish....I shall lead as God....Godlike in all ways...I am that I am that I am...and he told me to be ready for the time when the rest of me's connect.. When I got home I checked my email and had recieved the Gold Ring Video from an aynomous "Graciously Yours" as I watched It I just sat there in amazement...Yesterday GA and I connected for the first time and we became electrified ...lite up like a Christ mas tree...from the moment we began speaking.....We could feel our bond and connectedness....then I was put in ceremony and God told me to get a glass of wine and this glass of wine represents all the Angels who assisted in my life and the part of the story they have played victims or as villains..he informed they were all indeed angels in disguise...playing a role for the desired highest outcome....He then in almost a whisper he said Goddess you are going HOME...this echoed inside my whole body...Home....Home....Once I had connected fully to the other Me's or US's and "Unify the grid" then he said all your dreams [again echoing] will come true ......I will find and connect and Birth in a New reality of Heaven on earth...Golden Age....through the REAL TRUTH.......He then began bathing me in every intention and gratitude I had ever stated in the past 2 years....He bathed me in the grandness and greatness of the moment.....then my left nostril began bleeding....I have not had a nosebleed for at least 8 years....He asked me to continue to bathe myself in every intention...and then in some type of form kissed me passionately and it was over....This afternoon he said I will be initiated into Heaven......Wow this is a wild ride
Second Part:
Earlier in my day I was informed today is my initiation into heaven....He ask that I drink a glass of Red wine....inside the glass was my future....which is Heaven...he then handed me 2 golden keys..In my third eye I could see key is for me and the other for my twin flame...He explained to me once all 144,000 of the other you's connect we will unlock the door...and walk into heaven as the wayshowers and our next task will be to be initiated as Human Angels...AS Human Angels we will help the next cycle enter heaven and raise there vibrations of pure and real love....and then those you assist will help the next cycle and so on and so a spiral...until final ascension....Then those of the 144,000 will carry the Grand task of Building a new way of Gods and Goddesses a True spiritual life....that Supports the Highest good of all...all the time...You and Your twin flame will connect with 12 others with their Twin flames that contracted for this responsibility and who will lead as Gods in highest and best for all we will build a new government system and Lead as Intergalactic Society with its many gifts and treasures....Knowing we are all one....and all will flow as one...Now the 144,000 souls of me are present He then instructed me to say the following
I am Grand.....I am un-conditional love....I am worthy....I am peace....I am Joy.....I am magnificent....I am harmonious....I am kind and gentle...I will serve for the highest good of all....He then placed his hands on my forehead on my third eye and took his hand which appeared to me very large....and took oil[or Holy water] and made a cross...I could sense the others around me as well recieving the same process we then collectivly turned and had our backs facing the earth as we stood before Love....and then he said...all of you that are before are the christed have chosen this....Love over Fear... You all have suffered in various degrees...and are now spreading Truth and truth is god .....You are spreading the truth of my love and have earned the passage way have done all the work angels you are grand....and now all of your dreams are coming true....It wasn't I who forgot forgot you...and you have made the walk back with grace and are the chosen ones that help others get here as are the ones that have been at the tip of the spiral back to god the one.....for Now all of you are all one and in full consciousness....You traveled the road less have gone where no man has gone before....Yes Jesus ascended however he came intact....all of you's had to put it all together...You walked in the unknown and this is your reward...Now as Co-creators we will create grandness like you have never seen....Now I give to you a candle that with my candle will lite...and then Turn to your twin flame and light his candle I have given to him....Now put your flames together as one....As you stand on the right and your twin flame standing to the left you will turn and see the others 144,000 in a circle which I have also given a candle too.... you will turn lighting all candles until all the candles are lite in one we are uniting the Alpha and Omega..within this flame holds all the past, present, and future...and Now all of you become one entity in the one river of life all special and unique you will play together laugh together share and give you will be me and I you...all of you are now in the moment of NOW......Let the fireworks begin.....and proceed from this moment...You are all well supported ,guided ,and Loved....
With the Highest Love, Honor and Respect! I Love YOU
Currently the FIrst Wavers are Makiing their way to The Unity Grid to Begin the Co~ Creation of the New Earth
We Are Truly All ONE and Will Be Co Creating The New Earth In Absolute LOVE!
Here We GO!
Love MotherGod and FatherGod Amon Ra
Feeling that we are now here, ready to express our divinity and walk this whole game home. Joy joy joy!
lovelylinda at
WOW, Thank You for sharing!
Thank You for the clarity and knowing your journey makes every cell in my being remember.
Love here and Now is all I ever desired and Now it is free and flying everywhere present.
How BRILLANT is that!!!![heart heart](
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Love, Light & Laughter, Michelle
I would first like to tell you that I love you and FatherGod. We ARE all ONE. I wish to tell you that this story touched my heart. Thank you for posting this most spiritual and intimate story. It touched me in ways that you wouldn't believe and helps to explain a lot of the spiritual moments that I too, have had in my life.
In Love & Light,
Rhiannon Yellow StarRA aka Rhonda
i'm ready....
infinite love, light, gratitude and more...
Beautiful Story
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. I look very forward to this.